General with coaches and ped use, why did you never reach your desired state?


New Member
Hello guys!

I made this thread to get information about the pain points of the general PED users.

Personally my 5 year journey with peds was a rollercoaster, many ups and downs. Made stupid decisions, mainly due to lack of information, or wrong people influenced me.

Water retention, high e2, gyno, several mood changes, acne, bad sleep, agression, and while suffering never reached my desired look until I have found the correct informations and really treated myself professionally.

I have had coaches also, most of them didnt really help to be honest. They gave me the general advice, didnt really care about me and also they didnt have the right information also. My last coach was a guy who finished around 14-15th on the Olympia in classic, but he was not a good coach also at all, as I saw lacked knowledge and didnt really care.

As I see that the general regular steroid user suffers a lot, have health problems and mainly never even reaching the goal, I want to help people in this area to make better decisions, preserve health, and dont suffer nasty side effects…

I would really appreciate you guys if You could give me some unique insights about what is in the way of the desired physique coupled with good health and a liveable life also for You…


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You have to realize that no matter the "information" your genetics are the limiting factor...thats what all the "coaches" don't want you to know ....
Apart from that you either find a really good coach that will track your stuff or you do it yourself and experiment experiment experiment with training ,diet and PEDs.
Genetics matter but for example people still do high test, deca dbol cycles and wonder why they hold 15 pounds of extra water while having lot of side effects…these kind of cycle are completely unnecessary, and none of the pros I know use something like that ever…
Genetics matter but for example people still do high test, deca dbol cycles and wonder why they hold 15 pounds of extra water while having lot of side effects…these kind of cycle are completely unnecessary, and none of the pros I know use something like that ever…
Nope people do that plus anadrol ang gh and insulin and are fine.... can try all you want 7 foot tall you ar not going to be...
Your mistakes are not mine or anybody elses,.
Hello guys!

I made this thread to get information about the pain points of the general PED users.

Personally my 5 year journey with peds was a rollercoaster, many ups and downs. Made stupid decisions, mainly due to lack of information, or wrong people influenced me.

Water retention, high e2, gyno, several mood changes, acne, bad sleep, agression, and while suffering never reached my desired look until I have found the correct informations and really treated myself professionally.

I have had coaches also, most of them didnt really help to be honest. They gave me the general advice, didnt really care about me and also they didnt have the right information also. My last coach was a guy who finished around 14-15th on the Olympia in classic, but he was not a good coach also at all, as I saw lacked knowledge and didnt really care.

As I see that the general regular steroid user suffers a lot, have health problems and mainly never even reaching the goal, I want to help people in this area to make better decisions, preserve health, and dont suffer nasty side effects…

I would really appreciate you guys if You could give me some unique insights about what is in the way of the desired physique coupled with good health and a liveable life also for You…
Echoing what the other lads said. Anyone I've ever met who competes, genetics always appears to be the limiting factor. Under a good coach, dialled in, everything on point....they look phenomenal, better than 99% of people but they'll never be able to compete against the guys who on top of hard work, good coaching and gear.....have the genetics that get them to that elite level. You look good bro. Hopefully you'll get some good insights from the lads on here that have a ton of knowledge and can point in the right directions.
My parents, let us know if you know how to circumvent our own genetics.

Like many has already said, your genetics end up being your biggest limiter once you have training, diet, sleep and lifestyle dialed in.
Nope people do that plus anadrol ang gh and insulin and are fine.... can try all you want 7 foot tall you ar not going to be...
Your mistakes are not mine or anybody elses,.
I am not talking about people who take everything and fine…I have never seen it to be honest, but okay..

I am talking about the majority of people who could make smarter decisions, but still follow dumb stuff due to lack of information and have the side effects.

Most people say they are fine but its just cope. Something is almost always off. If not health than mood, agression.
Even for normal people like us, some have the natural ability to gain and hold muscle plus metabolism that enables them to acquire muscle tissue even on “dirty” diet.

Hence, naturally skinny guys will always beat those who have already fatty at a young age in bodybuilding progression.
Hello guys!

I made this thread to get information about the pain points of the general PED users.

Personally my 5 year journey with peds was a rollercoaster, many ups and downs. Made stupid decisions, mainly due to lack of information, or wrong people influenced me.

Water retention, high e2, gyno, several mood changes, acne, bad sleep, agression, and while suffering never reached my desired look until I have found the correct informations and really treated myself professionally.

I have had coaches also, most of them didnt really help to be honest. They gave me the general advice, didnt really care about me and also they didnt have the right information also. My last coach was a guy who finished around 14-15th on the Olympia in classic, but he was not a good coach also at all, as I saw lacked knowledge and didnt really care.

As I see that the general regular steroid user suffers a lot, have health problems and mainly never even reaching the goal, I want to help people in this area to make better decisions, preserve health, and dont suffer nasty side effects…

I would really appreciate you guys if You could give me some unique insights about what is in the way of the desired physique coupled with good health and a liveable life also for You…

You have a good foundation so wherever you choose to take it, you could also just keep doing what you're doing and still look good on the beach.

Unless you're trying to get BIG, in which case you're gonna have to get used to carrying more body fat.