TEST-E MAST-E TREN-A 12 week cutting cycle


New Member
Hey guys about to start this cycle In about 2 weeks for a cut. test e tren a and mast e for 12 weeks to get lean and maybe some clen at the end because I have it sitting around lol...

Week 1-12 test-E mast-E 500mg weekly (2 shots of 250)
Week 3-7 tren-A (50mg eod)
Week 8-12 clen up as needed

Pct nolva 40/40/20/20
Adex on hand and will pop 0.5 eod the whole time to be safe.

Will be keeping my calorie kinda high but extremely clean with high fats and protein.
And doing cardio eod at 30 to start.