Test E Raws - Solid Clump Raws Bad PIP?

any updates on the test? did it give pip?
I've been out of town the last week and my hot plate died. When my new hot plate arrives I'll have an update, sorry I don't want to waste money on another cheap one, I'm going for a mid range investment.
anyone got pictures of test e raws that DIDNT give them pip or any issues , want to see what 'good' test e looks like
Was it packaged very tightly and almost compressed causing it to be a large clump or was it loose n a bag and clumpy?

Jano posted some info on another thread in the testing forum where he found an abnormality I guess you would say that was present in test e that apparently had bad pip. Might want to give that a read. Nothing conclusive but offers up a bit of a theory

guys i just received some raw testosterone powder that came in a brick like rock hard not waxy state. what is this hot plate you guys are talking about? can my raws be safe and how? yes i been looking at the search bar thats how i found this post
guys i just received some raw testosterone powder that came in a brick like rock hard not waxy state. what is this hot plate you guys are talking about? can my raws be safe and how? yes i been looking at the search bar thats how i found this post
Google: Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer to pull up images.

YouTube: Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer to see people using them.

They can be found on eBay and Amazon or your choice of medical/chemistry supply company.

We have no idea where you purchased your raws from. They are probably safe. Test is one of the least faked compounds. In the future do more research.

When I got started I bought raw Tadalifil powder. If my cock gets hard it was good. I would also buy raw Test powder. If I start feeling better after a few days and start getting better pumps and felt and looked fuller I knew my shit was real. After years of doing this I know how every compound tastes looks and smells. I know how it behaves in transportation. I now they make me feel. I know how my body reacts when on each compound. I know when I've taken too much. It takes time.