Test E stopped at 2 weeks, PCT question


New Member
Hey guys

I started a 12 week run of Test E and this was my first cycle, and 2 weeks or 4 shots into it i developed few different problems. First was anxiety, then high heart pulse, then loss of breath at night, nervousness, and finally probably it looked like i got depressed thinking i am gonna die.
I think my mind too over me and i could not handle what was happening.

Now here i have attached blood work done a day ago and this blood work was done 4 weeks after i stopped my cycle.

What kind of PCT should I do? I have Arimidex, Nolva and Clomid on hand

As you can see my Test is very low around 77 and my E levels are also low.

Since i stopped my cycle i got better but i am not fully recovered to where i was before the cycle.



What was your baseline before you started? Better start your PCT (nolva and clomid) because it appears you're almost in complete shut-down! If after PCT your numbers does not return.. hello limp-dick, low/none libido, depression, etc..
What was your baseline before you started? Better start your PCT (nolva and clomid) because it appears you're almost in complete shut-down! If after PCT your numbers does not return.. hello limp-dick, low/none libido, depression, etc..

My starting baseline was around 300
My starting baseline was around 300

300.. dang that's low and you start cycling? Like NN said, how old are you? If you're young and since it's a "simple" cycle- you should recover naturally.. But most will include PCT (Nolva at least) to help in the recovery process..
If i start taking Nolva and since my estrogen is low as well isn't nolva gonna crash my estrogen while trying to help increase my test level? Just curious.
If i start taking Nolva and since my estrogen is low as well isn't nolva gonna crash my estrogen while trying to help increase my test level? Just curious.
No it won't. Nolva doesn't actually reduce the amount of estrogen it just prevents estrogen fr binding to the receptors in the breast. That's why it's used for gyno prevention.
And if i decide to not run any pct, how long would it take to get my test level back to where i was before i started this cycle which was my first and it only lasted for two weeks. Is it necessary to do the pct?
Can't really say. Everybody is different. Your test was so low before you might want to give a clomid restart protocol a shot.
My guess would be your estrogen is so low because your test is so low. If test goes up your estro should too
Would this be a good PCT:

Clomid 50,50,25,25
Nolvadex 20,20,20,20

I don't want to develop any side effects of high doses of either
Would this be a good PCT:

Clomid 50,50,25,25
Nolvadex 20,20,20,20

I don't want to develop any side effects of high doses of either
You don't need both. Do the research you probably didn't do before cycling hormones that change every function of your body not just make you "huge". Read the articles that bill Roberts has written on this very site about nolva and clomid. Read the pct threads that are stuck at the top. Educate yourself before just dumping more chems in ur body thinking ur gonna make it " all better". Asking the same question over and over here isnt gonna get you where youre tryna be, got it?
I am just trying to get to where I was before I started this cycle. Even Though my test levels were low before i this cycle i felt good, now i feel bad, sick, depressed etc.
This was my first cycle and it only lasted two weeks - so since this lasted only two weeks i am not sure if this changes the PCT protocol to different doses or what to use, that's why i am confused. It wasn't a full 10-12 week cycle where to body own test would be shut for so long.
The PCT cycles that i have read are all explained for full blown cycle of 8 or more weeks.

The help that i need now is to return my own test levels to where they were with the minimal usage of drugs. So what would be the best scenario in my case?
I am just trying to get to where I was before I started this cycle. Even Though my test levels were low before i this cycle i felt good, now i feel bad, sick, depressed etc.
This was my first cycle and it only lasted two weeks - so since this lasted only two weeks i am not sure if this changes the PCT protocol to different doses or what to use, that's why i am confused. It wasn't a full 10-12 week cycle where to body own test would be shut for so long.
The PCT cycles that i have read are all explained for full blown cycle of 8 or more weeks.

The help that i need now is to return my own test levels to where they were with the minimal usage of drugs. So what would be the best scenario in my case?
Hope that one of the good docs chime in, or go see one in person and explain your situation. As great as these forums are, they are no replacement for professional medical help. I cant say whether you should start a pct protocol after two weeks of use. I've never been there personally. If I was in that situation though, I'd do alot of reading. Start with reading up on nolvadex. If that's the path u take to restarting your natural test production, the protocol will be the same regardless of cycle length. But I don't believe more drugs should be taken if not necessary. Do some reading and consult someone with medical knowledge of these things if possible before making any decisions.