yeah I agree, however , make sure you start at a dose around .25mg NO MORE. I swear you will not feel as bad then after about a week your body will be used to it and you can make the jump to .5mg if you need to. Take about 45min prior to GOING To sleep. I know sometimes we hop In bed and don’t go to sleep right away, but if you try and fight the sleepiness that comes on, then you will have a fucked up sleep otherwise you should sleep like a baby. First couple nights you might wake up a few times it’s normal. Just try and stay in bed. Other than taking a leak lay back down. I have learned to make prami work, because In Reality, if you are gonna use a dopamine agonist, prami is the best choice and is much safer than caber.
I've always tried taking g a dose before bed.. it's the same medication they give to RLS patients. It's also proven to increase natural GH release in sleep.