Test Enanthate no BB



I have brewed 60ml of Test Enanthate with only MCT oil and BA (1%). Concentration is 200mg/ml

Before filtering and using I would like to make sure it will not crash (room temp where the T is stored is 22° all year long).

Do you know how long I have to wait to make sure it's not crashing.

Thank you.
I have had some solutions from other Chemicals crash but it took weeks.
I just found out that xyosted is made of Test Enanthate with no BB at 200mg/ml

They are using sesame oil

That would mean that mine will hold too.
why do we wait days before filtering? what do you know if it crashes in those two days to fix it ?
You can then add a percentage more BB.
It also means you haven't wasted a filter or need to sterilize your glassware again to refilter.
I make my test e in mig840 without bb at that same concentration. It has never crashed on me. I can’t use bb, causes an allergic like reaction