Hey fellas!
So, I'm on my way into running a legit, planned cycle and I'd like your advice.
I'm 34 and weigh in at 190 (15-20% BF). I was 185 last summer and was pushing 10-15% bf, but I wanted to start adding bulk and with it came a chubbier midsection (not sure how, but hey, whatever, ill just run some more next spring to slough it off). I stopped running everyday and hit the weights harder (kept the calories where they were, relatively).
I screwed around with some prop and deca when I was in the military (12 years ago), but totally eff'd it by not following through with PCT.
I do have pubescent(sp?)-spurred gyno in my nips already (wife says no, but I know it's there). No, it wasn't from the botch'd cycle in the military, cause I remember my cousin giving me titty twisters and saying, 'god damn, J, you have some meat behind them things!" -- They hurt like hell, too. I'm not sayin' I didn't add to the problem, but surely I didn't help it either. No, I don't have man-boobs, sorry to disappoint; however, they are 'puffy,' and I do often do the 'pinch' to make 'em hard.
What I'm getting at:
--I am concerned with developing gyno during the cycle, and
--I am concerned with the PCT crash
On to the good stuff...
I initially planned on running a 12 week cycle of Test E only, but I was bothered by the fact that it (1) takes so long to 'kick' in, and (2) it takes so long to exit your system to start PCT.
So, I was thinking of running Prop at the beginning and end to kick start the process and levels to a (relatively) stable range and keep it there for a longer duration while also limiting my time to PCT. Longer, stable levels are good, right?!
So, the cycle would look like this:
10 wks of Test E 600mg
1-2 100 EOD Test Prop
3 - 75mg, then 50mg Test Prop (this, if looked at on a graph levels it out and doesn't 'spike' too bad)
4 - 25mg Prop
10- Last Test E shot, then 50 and 75 of Test Prop
11 - 100x4 Prop
12 100, 150, 100 (keeps it fairly level until drop)
This is where I am a bit fuzzy... So, now should I wait another two weeks to start PCT, or should I hit PCT after about 4 days (last Prop shot)?
With the half-lives being considered, I still have two weeks (or so) of the Enth in my system, no?
Any and all advice, criticisms, or otherwise is greatly appreciated.
Thanks fellas!!
So, I'm on my way into running a legit, planned cycle and I'd like your advice.
I'm 34 and weigh in at 190 (15-20% BF). I was 185 last summer and was pushing 10-15% bf, but I wanted to start adding bulk and with it came a chubbier midsection (not sure how, but hey, whatever, ill just run some more next spring to slough it off). I stopped running everyday and hit the weights harder (kept the calories where they were, relatively).
I screwed around with some prop and deca when I was in the military (12 years ago), but totally eff'd it by not following through with PCT.
I do have pubescent(sp?)-spurred gyno in my nips already (wife says no, but I know it's there). No, it wasn't from the botch'd cycle in the military, cause I remember my cousin giving me titty twisters and saying, 'god damn, J, you have some meat behind them things!" -- They hurt like hell, too. I'm not sayin' I didn't add to the problem, but surely I didn't help it either. No, I don't have man-boobs, sorry to disappoint; however, they are 'puffy,' and I do often do the 'pinch' to make 'em hard.
What I'm getting at:
--I am concerned with developing gyno during the cycle, and
--I am concerned with the PCT crash
On to the good stuff...
I initially planned on running a 12 week cycle of Test E only, but I was bothered by the fact that it (1) takes so long to 'kick' in, and (2) it takes so long to exit your system to start PCT.
So, I was thinking of running Prop at the beginning and end to kick start the process and levels to a (relatively) stable range and keep it there for a longer duration while also limiting my time to PCT. Longer, stable levels are good, right?!
So, the cycle would look like this:
10 wks of Test E 600mg
1-2 100 EOD Test Prop
3 - 75mg, then 50mg Test Prop (this, if looked at on a graph levels it out and doesn't 'spike' too bad)
4 - 25mg Prop
10- Last Test E shot, then 50 and 75 of Test Prop
11 - 100x4 Prop
12 100, 150, 100 (keeps it fairly level until drop)
This is where I am a bit fuzzy... So, now should I wait another two weeks to start PCT, or should I hit PCT after about 4 days (last Prop shot)?
With the half-lives being considered, I still have two weeks (or so) of the Enth in my system, no?
Any and all advice, criticisms, or otherwise is greatly appreciated.
Thanks fellas!!