Nothing new here, but cool validation. According to this paper, Test isocaproate has a solubility of slightly less than 450mg/ml using 2%BA/20%BB ratio.

Each solution was composed of a mixture of benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, and oil having a volumetric ratio of 78% oil, 20% benzyl benzoate, and 2% benzyl alcohol. In various pharmaceutical preparations of lipophilic compounds, including various steroids, benzyl benzoate is used as a solubiliser (co-solvent), benzyl alcohol acts as a solvent and at the same time prevents microbial growth and increases the lipid solubility of various esterified compounds, while the oils are used as carriers.
The solubility evaluation was performed in multiple steps at room temperature (25 °C) by successively adding small amounts of raw materials (2–5 mg each step), and the solution was stirred for up to several hours until dissolved. When it was found that excess raw material remained (in suspension), small amounts of solution (mixture of benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, and oil) were added until the resulting solution became perfectly transparent and clear. In order to obtain good accuracy, three such procedures were carried out, and their average was used.
Others have already shown that isocaproate is soluble in MCT at 400mg/ml with BB > 20%. However there was noticeable PIP noted by Narta when using 40% BB. We know that higher concentrations of BB don't typically increase PIP. Has anyone tried 350mg/ml Test Iso for PIP? It is so strange that such a short ester (2-4 day half life) is soluble at such high concentrations.
Side question, has anyone had their test iso raws tested for purity lately? I was planning on getting some to test and wanted an idea of how much to overdose by to nail concentration.

2.5. Solubility Check
The solubility for the four esters (mg/mL) was measured in solutions of various organic oils: medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), grape seed oil (GSO), castor oil, cottonseed oil, apricot oil, and sesame oil.Each solution was composed of a mixture of benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, and oil having a volumetric ratio of 78% oil, 20% benzyl benzoate, and 2% benzyl alcohol. In various pharmaceutical preparations of lipophilic compounds, including various steroids, benzyl benzoate is used as a solubiliser (co-solvent), benzyl alcohol acts as a solvent and at the same time prevents microbial growth and increases the lipid solubility of various esterified compounds, while the oils are used as carriers.
The solubility evaluation was performed in multiple steps at room temperature (25 °C) by successively adding small amounts of raw materials (2–5 mg each step), and the solution was stirred for up to several hours until dissolved. When it was found that excess raw material remained (in suspension), small amounts of solution (mixture of benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, and oil) were added until the resulting solution became perfectly transparent and clear. In order to obtain good accuracy, three such procedures were carried out, and their average was used.
Others have already shown that isocaproate is soluble in MCT at 400mg/ml with BB > 20%. However there was noticeable PIP noted by Narta when using 40% BB. We know that higher concentrations of BB don't typically increase PIP. Has anyone tried 350mg/ml Test Iso for PIP? It is so strange that such a short ester (2-4 day half life) is soluble at such high concentrations.
Side question, has anyone had their test iso raws tested for purity lately? I was planning on getting some to test and wanted an idea of how much to overdose by to nail concentration.