normal DR said lets put u on TRT, I asked for test levels in passing as felt low mood, few weeks later called me back and said ya we can do injectable or gel (but its very expensive he said if not covered). tried to ask if anything that can boost natural production (ie was seeing if would say HCG). levels are low normal except for free he said. no estradiol test although assume more of an issue once on trt, please give any feed back. imagine high aromatize as my fam always had huge barrel chests coupled with sorta man boobs(not floppy fold over, just skinny legs and arms and get fat only on gut and tits grandpa dad me etc, rhino riding a chicken is how they aged, and can see it coming)
RESULTS: metric system
free test (low) -167.7 (in Canada I think 200 is cut off but test was done a ~3.5 hrs after waking up, I sleep in late as mostly work nights but its my circadian rhythm, he didn't mention that)
regular total-6.3
bound test- 3.9
he said everything is in the lower "normal" range binding globulin Lower limit is 15 I think. dont have the actual limits infront of me just from what he said..
would it be easier just to become a female? lol
I haven't had kids yet so dont really want to shrink my ovaries I mean nuts any smaller, and preference would be hcg mono just to top me up a bit and put toe in the water as truly just want to feel better, if other things happen thats great too. although I did not say hcg I asked if anything that can boost natural test, and was not aware as he is not a mens dr. good guy though as VERY surprised he was like yup lets do it and not lets do 3 more tests try taking zinc and lifting for 5 months, lower these other meds, try DHEA(rx only here) and go from there.. I guess an option would be to get a pharmacist to recommend HCG or say I talked to a couple pharmacist friends and said XYZ..
I do have hemachromatosis which can lower TEST, but small study of 4 guys 2 of them regained test production after phlebotomy to get iron levels in check.. but is obv something that may help a bit although my iron is not CRAZY high but in ~450 range. 300 cut off for treatment. ill ask about hemocrit or blood cell count at Red Cross as think they test for that, although I dont think I have "thick" blood, as always had lower blood pressure aswell as a bleeder.. not sure if hemacromatosis affects blood cell or hemocrit.. may wait till I see specialist for the hemachromatosis as she is an endocrinologist I think to see her opinion. but at the same time I think 167 free test at any time of day is pretty low..
may get cortisol checked too has ALWAYS taken me 2 hrs to really wake up even in my 20s. or perhaps a sleep study as prob have apnea... although imagine if got a sleep study first would be less willing to give trt, again why hcg may be nice as a few things to work out that may help test ie sleep and iron so potentially could drop it if felt better lost some weight. ie test would go up naturally if slept better, but test can make apnea sleep worse, but also can make u loose mass so less apnea.
anyhoo, any insight appreciated. again keep in mind my goals are not juicy..
RESULTS: metric system
free test (low) -167.7 (in Canada I think 200 is cut off but test was done a ~3.5 hrs after waking up, I sleep in late as mostly work nights but its my circadian rhythm, he didn't mention that)
regular total-6.3
bound test- 3.9
he said everything is in the lower "normal" range binding globulin Lower limit is 15 I think. dont have the actual limits infront of me just from what he said..
would it be easier just to become a female? lol
I haven't had kids yet so dont really want to shrink my ovaries I mean nuts any smaller, and preference would be hcg mono just to top me up a bit and put toe in the water as truly just want to feel better, if other things happen thats great too. although I did not say hcg I asked if anything that can boost natural test, and was not aware as he is not a mens dr. good guy though as VERY surprised he was like yup lets do it and not lets do 3 more tests try taking zinc and lifting for 5 months, lower these other meds, try DHEA(rx only here) and go from there.. I guess an option would be to get a pharmacist to recommend HCG or say I talked to a couple pharmacist friends and said XYZ..
I do have hemachromatosis which can lower TEST, but small study of 4 guys 2 of them regained test production after phlebotomy to get iron levels in check.. but is obv something that may help a bit although my iron is not CRAZY high but in ~450 range. 300 cut off for treatment. ill ask about hemocrit or blood cell count at Red Cross as think they test for that, although I dont think I have "thick" blood, as always had lower blood pressure aswell as a bleeder.. not sure if hemacromatosis affects blood cell or hemocrit.. may wait till I see specialist for the hemachromatosis as she is an endocrinologist I think to see her opinion. but at the same time I think 167 free test at any time of day is pretty low..
may get cortisol checked too has ALWAYS taken me 2 hrs to really wake up even in my 20s. or perhaps a sleep study as prob have apnea... although imagine if got a sleep study first would be less willing to give trt, again why hcg may be nice as a few things to work out that may help test ie sleep and iron so potentially could drop it if felt better lost some weight. ie test would go up naturally if slept better, but test can make apnea sleep worse, but also can make u loose mass so less apnea.
anyhoo, any insight appreciated. again keep in mind my goals are not juicy..