

New Member
I'm 47 been on and off gear for almost 20 years. I get regular bloodwork and I am up front and honest with my doctors. I primarily run Test P/SUS/Masteron/HGH. I may drop mast and add NPP or just throw that shit in too. For me, this combo has given me the most bang for my buck at 47. Currently sitting at the following dosage

Test P 100mg EOD
Sustanon 125mg EOD
Masteron E 200mg EOD
HGH 4iu ED (just dropped from 6 to 4 due to certain sides)

I'll make adjustments to that stack here and there. Got some NPP I may throw in or move things around and add.
I'm writing to learn. My question is when you do EOD, are you staggering or all three on the same days? Thanks!
I'm currently running Test / Primo / Deca and 4iu GH. I started with NPP just in case sides got bad. Last time I ran test / mast / deca the water retention in my arms was making them fall asleep randomly throughout the day and keeping me up at night if I slept wrong. Insane dreams too.

Seems like this time around the primo is doing what i wanted the masteron to do- help with the e2 and 19nor sides. Masteron makes me feel mentally great but doesn't do shit for the physical sides. Primo doesn't give me any mental boosts but it's wonderful not having physical sides. and finally being able to run deca. Knock on wood but 4 weeks in with no water retention, normal sleep, no gyno, and no obsessive thoughts / dreams.
Similar as well. TestC, Primo, hgh and occasionally some var. Sometimes I interchange Mast for primo. Keep my doses mild. This stack has been pretty much all I’ve taken for a few years when I do blast.

Disclaimer, I also take a small dose of Deca year round (100mg)
I'm currently running Test / Primo / Deca and 4iu GH. I started with NPP just in case sides got bad. Last time I ran test / mast / deca the water retention in my arms was making them fall asleep randomly throughout the day and keeping me up at night if I slept wrong. Insane dreams too.

Seems like this time around the primo is doing what i wanted the masteron to do- help with the e2 and 19nor sides. Masteron makes me feel mentally great but doesn't do shit for the physical sides. Primo doesn't give me any mental boosts but it's wonderful not having physical sides. and finally being able to run deca. Knock on wood but 4 weeks in with no water retention, normal sleep, no gyno, and no obsessive thoughts / dreams.
I've been contemplating switching to Primo too. I would want to run at least 100mg EOD
Similar as well. TestC, Primo, hgh and occasionally some var. Sometimes I interchange Mast for primo. Keep my doses mild. This stack has been pretty much all I’ve taken for a few years when I do blast.

Disclaimer, I also take a small dose of Deca year round (100mg)
I could benefit from the deca too. My joints would welcome it for sure
The deca for joints, absolutely!! It helps tremendously. I've never ran Deca year round. I gain size super easy and deca puts water on me quickly. Small doses not as bad but I still notice it.
The deca for joints, absolutely!! It helps tremendously. I've never ran Deca year round. I gain size super easy and deca puts water on me quickly. Small doses not as bad but I still notice it.

I’m pretty much the same. Years ago Deca used to blow me up. I thought I was so huge but it was all water lol. Taking 100mg now doesn’t do that to me at all. It actually pairs perfectly with 3-4iu of hgh and gives me a great appearance imo.
I’m pretty much the same. Years ago Deca used to blow me up. I thought I was so huge but it was all water lol. Taking 100mg now doesn’t do that to me at all. It actually pairs perfectly with 3-4iu of hgh and gives me a great appearance imo.

Good to know. I've got a couple bottles laying around. May give it a ride.
I'm 47 been on and off gear for almost 20 years. I get regular bloodwork and I am up front and honest with my doctors. I primarily run Test P/SUS/Masteron/HGH. I may drop mast and add NPP or just throw that shit in too. For me, this combo has given me the most bang for my buck at 47. Currently sitting at the following dosage

Test P 100mg EOD
Sustanon 125mg EOD
Masteron E 200mg EOD
HGH 4iu ED (just dropped from 6 to 4 due to certain sides)

I'll make adjustments to that stack here and there. Got some NPP I may throw in or move things around and add.
Must be feeling pretty good consistently on that stack
Less water retention for me with a blend of esters rather than just Test E for example. When I want to bump my test up, I always add a "sustanon" which is just a blend of esters. Higher test with less water retention to deal with.
OK I would have assumed the opposite due to the fluctuations more water retention. Maybe will try it normaly I'm Just running Test E EOD to avoid fluctuations
I'm 47 been on and off gear for almost 20 years. I get regular bloodwork and I am up front and honest with my doctors. I primarily run Test P/SUS/Masteron/HGH. I may drop mast and add NPP or just throw that shit in too. For me, this combo has given me the most bang for my buck at 47. Currently sitting at the following dosage

Test P 100mg EOD
Sustanon 125mg EOD
Masteron E 200mg EOD
HGH 4iu ED (just dropped from 6 to 4 due to certain sides)

I'll make adjustments to that stack here and there. Got some NPP I may throw in or move things around and add.
That is almost exactly what I've come up with. I think you are enhancing your health. The GH is a replacement and it's much healthier. I bet you look amazing. Good luck.