Test/Mast/Tren suggestion

Quick background and summary - I'm in my mid 40s and first started test a few years back. I haven't been off since that time, staying at TRT doses (150/test) throughout the year and then 1-2 mini-blasts that have consisted of 10-12 weeks of adding some compounds.

Historically, I've gone with Test/Nand and maybe add some Primo/Var with those - with my typical run being consistent in dose an example being 450-500 weekly Test/NPP. I've been happy with these mini runs and overall health/bloodwork throughout. The nice thing for me is I've never had to deal with AI with this.

I have a mix of TMT that I'd like to use and looking to make a fairly balanced run I can hit for 10-12 weeks, ideally not having to deal with AI.

With the full understanding everyone reacts differently, I was thinking of running 300-350ish of each compound or maybe 4/3/3. Suggestions and thoughts appreciated.
I usually run 250 test c/300 mast e/300 tren A
I pin sun,Wed, Fri,
12.5mg of aromasin on Sunday night with shot

I'm gonna run some npp again down the road, but we'll how it goes, nands have way more side effects than tren for me. Jealousy, anxiety, unmanageable sex drive. Tren just makes me wanna j-o an extra time or two a day.