Test/Mast vs Test/Eq Cycle


New Member
Info: 35+ years, 173 cm, 86 kg and between 8/10% bf, training for almost 20 years and did less than 5 blast cycles in my life (all with basic shit like only test or test deca), been blasting and recovering but last summer i decided to blast and cruise the last years of my "youth" before going on full TRT when ill be like 40+ and stop blasting.
my serious first cycle was the last summer with

16 weeks
600 test e
400 mast
200 deca
i did pretty good and gained a lot of weight (from 79 to almost 89) staying pretty lean but i had really high E2 (but i had no symptoms), so i was pretty sure to change a bit since i did good and thought to remove the Deca (since i don't want any 19-nor for personal reasons) and add 200 Primo to see if could replace the AI i took to lower the E2.

so the next bulk cycle would be
500 test e
400 mast
200 primo

now here it is the problem, talking to a pro coach here he told me there are better compound than mast to build muscle while on bulk exluding Deca etc that i don't want to take. He said tha Eq is a better option but i read here a LOT of topics and im really confused since someone hate EQ some other love it and same thing for Mast.

Would a cycle with Test Eq and Primo be objectively (like scientific data) better for building muscle on bulk?
Like for example
600 test e
600 Eq
200 primo
or even remove primo from the equation in this case.

On cruise i run just 200 mg test c and i retain like 90% of gains i made (not counting water and fat).

All other things like workout and diet are on check since im not a newbie on things that are not PEDs
Mast and primo are virtually interchangable other than primo may drop your e2. Masteron won't lower e2 but it can block the side effects of high e2. Neither is a potent mass builder. Eq can also lower e2. so you may just want to pick eq or primo and not both to start out with and then check some bloodwork. Honestly I'm not even sure how great eq is at building muscle anymore. So many people crap on it in their user experience reviews. I've never used it myself. I like the idea of test/eq/mast myself. If e2 looks good or high when you draw labs then you can try primo instead of mast and see if you notice a difference
fuck around and find out! :)
To EQ:
-some ppl getting high rbc,bp - low e2 anxiety
-some ppl love it, more endurance, more vascularity, dry compound,getting hungry

EQ is the same as Mast/Primo on muscle building, pretty mild and dry, u can dose all of em 1g+ cause they are mild ( just my few cents)

also its a long ass ester, most people frontload it..
fuck around and find out! :)
To EQ:
-some ppl getting high rbc,bp - low e2 anxiety
-some ppl love it, more endurance, more vascularity, dry compound,getting hungry

EQ is the same as Mast/Primo on muscle building, pretty mild and dry, u can dose all of em 1g+ cause they are mild ( just my few cents)

also its a long ass ester, most people frontload it..
I'll add on to front load the easiest way is just to double your dose the first week. It will get you close enough
So i think I'll give a try to test/EQ/ mast.
Is test e 500/ EQ 600/mast 400 good or I can go less with half of EQ and mast, or maybe just 200 mast, I'm not a big fan of big quantities.
What do you think
Guys here a follow up, I'm starting week 5 of the cycle with 400 test e, 500 bold and 400 mast e.
Did bloods to check E 2 because I was getting little injuries almost every week and the results came back with E2 at 16.....
How to adjust this cycle to raise E2 to a decent value.
Test e at 500 x week, lower mast e to 200 x week?
Guys here a follow up, I'm starting week 5 of the cycle with 400 test e, 500 bold and 400 mast e.
Did bloods to check E 2 because I was getting little injuries almost every week and the results came back with E2 at 16.....
How to adjust this cycle to raise E2 to a decent value.
Test e at 500 x week, lower mast e to 200 x week?
the e2 pressure is from the EQ, so just less EQ or 200-400 more test
a local ifbb coach told me some minutes ago to lower bolde to 300 and ditch the mast for 400 deca. Getting pretty confused right now
Info: 35+ years, 173 cm, 86 kg and between 8/10% bf, training for almost 20 years and did less than 5 blast cycles in my life (all with basic shit like only test or test deca), been blasting and recovering but last summer i decided to blast and cruise the last years of my "youth" before going on full TRT when ill be like 40+ and stop blasting.
my serious first cycle was the last summer with

16 weeks
600 test e
400 mast
200 deca
i did pretty good and gained a lot of weight (from 79 to almost 89) staying pretty lean but i had really high E2 (but i had no symptoms), so i was pretty sure to change a bit since i did good and thought to remove the Deca (since i don't want any 19-nor for personal reasons) and add 200 Primo to see if could replace the AI i took to lower the E2.

so the next bulk cycle would be
500 test e
400 mast
200 primo

now here it is the problem, talking to a pro coach here he told me there are better compound than mast to build muscle while on bulk exluding Deca etc that i don't want to take. He said tha Eq is a better option but i read here a LOT of topics and im really confused since someone hate EQ some other love it and same thing for Mast.

Would a cycle with Test Eq and Primo be objectively (like scientific data) better for building muscle on bulk?
Like for example
600 test e
600 Eq
200 primo
or even remove primo from the equation in this case.

On cruise i run just 200 mg test c and i retain like 90% of gains i made (not counting water and fat).

All other things like workout and diet are on check since im not a newbie on things that are not PEDs

Since you have run high dosages, I would suggest you the stack that I run for my bulking phases. This took me from 178 lbs to 198 lbs with 9% bodyfat (cutting stack is different) within 2 years. That too with my piss-poor genetics.

Weeks 1-4 & 9-12-
Test Enanthate 1.5 gram per week.
Boldenone Acetate 700 mgs per week.
Masterone Prop 500 mgs per week.
HGH- 6 IUs per day.
Insulin- 25 IUs per day Lantus.
5 IUS Humalog pre-workout.
Metformin 1000 mgs 3x per day with food.
Berberine 500 mgs 3x per day with food.

Weeks 5-8 & 13-16-
Test Ace 1.5 g/week.
NPP 700 mgs/week.
No GH/Slin.
Same qty of metformin & berberine.

For diet, 7 grams carbs/kg bodyweight. 3 grams protein/kg bodyweight.

High volume workouts.

You can easily get 2 such cycles a year.

Alternatively, you can stick to 2g test alone, if you know to control the sides. I have found high test only to be the best. EQ works well only in high dosages. 600 mgs simpky wouldn't be worth putting in the effort.

If you can find yourself some Boldenone Acetate (you might need to homebrew), there's no compound better than that besides test. The increase in endurance and apetite is instantaneous. You'll feel the best on it.

As for the GH goes, man, use any good UGL. It's almost as good as pharma.