Planning to do a 20ish week first cycle. I need advice on what i could add/improve on.
Weeks 1-6 300mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 7-12 400mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 13-20 500mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 21-24 250mg/wk test e E3.5D
(lowering dose before coming off to not have horrible hormone fluctuations)
Weeks 1-12 1000IU/wk HCG EOD
I have Adex on hand but ive heard that Aromasin is better, so im buying that also. I will dose as sides come.
Wait 3 weeks then
First 10 days 1000IU HCG ED
Afterwards 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid ED weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-6 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid
Im 10% bf, 170lb 5'7. Going to do a 500kcal surplus.
Weeks 1-6 300mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 7-12 400mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 13-20 500mg/wk test e E3.5D
Weeks 21-24 250mg/wk test e E3.5D
(lowering dose before coming off to not have horrible hormone fluctuations)
Weeks 1-12 1000IU/wk HCG EOD
I have Adex on hand but ive heard that Aromasin is better, so im buying that also. I will dose as sides come.
Wait 3 weeks then
First 10 days 1000IU HCG ED
Afterwards 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid ED weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-6 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid
Im 10% bf, 170lb 5'7. Going to do a 500kcal surplus.