Test Only First Cycle (Need Advice)


New Member
Planning to do a 20ish week first cycle. I need advice on what i could add/improve on.

Weeks 1-6 300mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 7-12 400mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 13-20 500mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 21-24 250mg/wk test e E3.5D
(lowering dose before coming off to not have horrible hormone fluctuations)

Weeks 1-12 1000IU/wk HCG EOD

I have Adex on hand but ive heard that Aromasin is better, so im buying that also. I will dose as sides come.


Wait 3 weeks then

First 10 days 1000IU HCG ED

Afterwards 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid ED weeks 1-4

Weeks 5-6 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid

Im 10% bf, 170lb 5'7. Going to do a 500kcal surplus.
increase calories as you increase doses

500cals sur plus from the beginning is too much for your stats
24 weeks cycle is a long cycle be prepared to drop it if side effects get out of control
If you are male and have been training seriously for at least 5 years and are at least 21, preferably 23+, you could run a non complicated 10 week cycle. More and longer is not better or safer .

10 weeks Test E 300 or 400 a week, no need to change doses.

Post some pics, also your training split and diet.
10 weeks is worthless. Will be mostly water weight that merely comes and goes. That’s why he needs to do 16 weeks minimum and should delay using gear until he’s at an age where he can attain maximal benefit and mitigate risks of using gear for 16+ weeks
I agree 10 weeks is to short. What's the purpose when you can run it for longer and gain more? It's not an oral steroid where your liver will go out nor will a few more months have any affect on recovery. Don't know anyone that got forever shutdown after a 6 month first cycle....

I mean if course you'll gain a little bit but it's not optimal and you are cutting yourself short of gains. Wait until you have the time to run a 4-6 month cycle imo.

It's one thing if you are on an oral steroid and need to do shorter cycles but you are going to be just test... Run it longer in my opinion
Eh. I’ve seen some people post online about getting forever shutdown for any sort of 12 week + cycle. Did they do proper PCT? Who knows. But point being, if you’re not ok with risking trt for life, stay far away from gear. Essentially once you’re on, you’re on for life in some form or another
Everything seems all right except for length. I think 20 weeker is excessive. Go for 12-16 at most.

For simplicity start at 1ml, then 1.5ml and finally increase to 2ml if you wish so, but your first cycle is where the least amount will yield the biggest gains, so basically 250mg of Testosterone is more than enough.

Example of a ramp up (assuming 250mg/ml):
1-5 250mg (1ml)
6-10 375mg (1.5)
11-16 500mg (2ml)
Don't do a cycle that's that short. This does more harm than good to your body. In addition, you will lose the muscle mass you have built up afterwards (if you've built anything at all in that short amount of time other than water). Just stay on or don't do steroids.
Also, I wouldn't vary the dosage. 250-350mg per week should be enough!
Even for Test E and Test C I would go with e2d or e3d respectively to keep the fluctuations in hormone levels as low as possible.
Get a blood test (estradiol) 4 weeks after starting and see if you need to use exemestane.
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Planning to do a 20ish week first cycle. I need advice on what i could add/improve on.

Weeks 1-6 300mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 7-12 400mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 13-20 500mg/wk test e E3.5D

Weeks 21-24 250mg/wk test e E3.5D
(lowering dose before coming off to not have horrible hormone fluctuations)

Weeks 1-12 1000IU/wk HCG EOD

I have Adex on hand but ive heard that Aromasin is better, so im buying that also. I will dose as sides come.


Wait 3 weeks then

First 10 days 1000IU HCG ED

Afterwards 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid ED weeks 1-4

Weeks 5-6 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid

Im 10% bf, 170lb 5'7. Going to do a 500kcal surplus.
Shoulda went with test cyp, have you done research or just googled “steroid first cycle”

May have a bad experience with Test E
Everything seems all right except for length. I think 20 weeker is excessive. Go for 12-16 at most.

For simplicity start at 1ml, then 1.5ml and finally increase to 2ml if you wish so, but your first cycle is where the least amount will yield the biggest gains, so basically 250mg of Testosterone is more than enough.

Example of a ramp up (assuming 250mg/ml):
1-5 250mg (1ml)
6-10 375mg (1.5)
11-16 500mg (2ml)
Curious why you think 20 weeks is too long. That first 5 weeks of 250 isn’t truly going to utilize the 250 because at around week 5 is when it significantly takes off in terms of muscle building.

If you think that he may get burned out or may have a hard time dealing with sides, then yes I get it. He certainly shouldn’t uptitrate past 500.
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10 weeks is worthless. Will be mostly water weight that merely comes and goes. That’s why he needs to do 16 weeks minimum and should delay using gear until he’s at an age where he can attain maximal benefit and mitigate risks of using gear for 16+ weeks
Totally agree.
Eh. I’ve seen some people post online about getting forever shutdown for any sort of 12 week + cycle. Did they do proper PCT? Who knows. But point being, if you’re not ok with risking trt for life, stay far away from gear. Essentially once you’re on, you’re on for life in some form or another
Agree as well.
Eh. I’ve seen some people post online about getting forever shutdown for any sort of 12 week + cycle. Did they do proper PCT? Who knows. But point being, if you’re not ok with risking trt for life, stay far away from gear. Essentially once you’re on, you’re on for life in some form or another
Maybe they just had low testosterone to begin with? Did they get prior bloods. Did they wait a year to see what their blood work was? I was on for 17 years and came off with no issues. (Was to get my wife pregnant so I was off for 2 years before I jumped back on but bloods were 600 something after a year off and bring on for 17 years )
Titrating up is useless.. test e takes minimum 6 weeks to fully saturate..

Just do 500mg/wk from the start and thank me later.
Curious why you think 20 weeks is too long. That first 5 weeks of 250 isn’t truly going to utilize the 250 because at around week 5 is when it significantly takes off in terms of muscle building.

If you think that he may get burned out or may have a hard time dealing with sides, then yes I get it. He certainly shouldn’t uptitrate past 500.
People titrate mostly to avoid massive spikes in T. Enanthate and cypionate are not long esters like undecanoate for example. Some people metabolize certain drugs faster (me) and usually are at the peak levels 2.5-3 weeks in, I have observed and noticed that with multiple different esters via blood work. I don't titrate myself, I see no need to do it, but if some prefer to do so then by all means.
Don't do a cycle that's that short. This does more harm than good to your body. In addition, you will lose the muscle mass you have built up afterwards (if you've built anything at all in that short amount of time other than water). Just stay on or don't do steroids.
Also, I wouldn't vary the dosage. 250-350mg per week should be enough!
Even for Test E and Test C I would go with e2d or e3d respectively to keep the fluctuations in hormone levels as low as possible.
Get a blood test (estradiol) 4 weeks after starting and see if you need to use exemestane.
I dont think 10 weeks is too short, in fact my first cycle was 500 e-test with 300 bold and my total gain was around 10 clean kg. After pct i only lost around 2. I think long cycles are more dangerous unless you are an experienced user, short cycles have less sides and the recuperation is fastest. But it is only my opinion.