Test total higher than normal


New Member
Currently running 400mg test cyp/300mg npp a week.This is my first cycle running npp and in past cycles just running test at 400 my test total was around 2700ng/dl. Just received my blood work for this cycle and test came back at 5000. Does npp effect test totals on bloodwork?
Thinking that as well. Dont have anymore to send off for testing or else I would but it was Stans NPP that I got at the beginning of last year. Not saying its testosterone as I dont have testing but bloodwork isn't adding up.
Thinking that as well. Dont have anymore to send off for testing or else I would but it was Stans NPP that I got at the beginning of last year. Not saying its testosterone as I dont have testing but bloodwork isn't adding up.
When you tested at 2700 was it ug or pharma gear?
Ug and I have done a few 500mg test c cycles since then as well and those have put me around 3100. So all my test levels seem to have been on par with how much I'm taking.