Test/Tren/Deca what would you put together?


About 3 weeks away from next blast. Haven't made up my mind where I want to go. Will be fourth blast.
1st- Test Cyp 500 mg
2nd- Test Cyp 500Mg
3rd- Test Cyp 600mg Mast 300mg
I have plenty of Test Cyp 300 on hand, I have some Tren E 200mg and some Deca 300 and about 8 weeks worth 20mg anavar. What could I put together with this? Do I need to get some Mast and go Test/Tren/Mast or is there another combo worth trying?
Can I start Test blast then intro Tren after 8 weeks for another 8 weeks?
500mg test 200mg tren
if you get tren sides then just do 900mg test
personally i would just do 900mg test and forget the tren

i dont reccomend deca for anyone because many people get mental side effects and they aren't as pronouced as trenbolones, so you dont realize the depression or strange behavior is from the gear, as you slowly become more unmotivated and moody
I would Keep it simple ;

Test Cyp 600mg Mast 400mg Deca 300

Make sure to control E2, Be aware that Deca can hit or miss for a lot of people some love it Others such as myself swear never to use it again due to mental sides - but you'll never know if you never try .

If Deca starts bothering you - You can always swap to EQ - at the same dose.. You will probably need no E2 management with EQ in , but most likely will need with 600 test and 300 Deca - Regardless of the 400 mast .. But bloodwork will tell you that - Get it done 4-6 weeks in

I would wait on the tren for a while longer down the road after seeing how you do with other compounds etc..
500mg test 200mg tren
if you get tren sides then just do 900mg test
personally i would just do 900mg test and forget the tren

i dont reccomend deca for anyone because many people get mental side effects and they aren't as pronouced as trenbolones, so you dont realize the depression or strange behavior is from the gear, as you slowly become more unmotivated and moody
I mean, I'm probably gonna get tren side effects. Doesn't everyone? I would like to try it but i am a little sketchy because I've never been accused of being mentally stable on the norm. Tren has no effect on dick huh?
If I could do it over again, I wouldn't bother with Tren unless I was on HGH.

They complement each other greatly and less becomes more.

I would highly suggest that you try NPP or Tren Ace for your first go with either of the 19nors. Deca gives me instant gyno, no matter what.