Test U 220mg/ml recipe?


New Member
Apologies if this has been answered I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything.

Long story short, I've been trying to PCT since June after a 7 year blast and cruise and feel worse than I ever have. My total T just came back at 92 at 27 years old, so im realizing that trt is going to be a lifelong thing. I used to cruise at 200mg/week of Test C pinned Mon/Thurs and was pretty dialed in, so I figured if I am doing this for life I would switch over to Test U once a week, and based on my research the equivalent to that is 220mg of Test U. I would use a 1ml slin pin before and would like to keep using that just for convenience.

I am not new to homebrewing, just curious if anyone has a recipe for this that works? It looks like after 200mg test U tends to crash.
Give it more time to recover. I bet in 6 months. Your test levels will be higher.

I'm pro blast n cruise hence my name but I feel like you are giving up to early . It's only been 2 months since your last injection of test? Wait a year before you throw in the towel if you really want to come off.
Give it more time to recover. I bet in 6 months. Your test levels will be higher.

I'm pro blast n cruise hence my name but I feel like you are giving up to early . It's only been 2 months since your last injection of test? Wait a year before you throw in the towel if you really want to come off.
Yeah man tbh it’s affecting my life much more than i thought it would. I don’t think I can do another 6 months like this. It’s affecting my marriage, mental health etc. I appreciate it though.
Apologies if this has been answered I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything.

Long story short, I've been trying to PCT since June after a 7 year blast and cruise and feel worse than I ever have. My total T just came back at 92 at 27 years old, so im realizing that trt is going to be a lifelong thing. I used to cruise at 200mg/week of Test C pinned Mon/Thurs and was pretty dialed in, so I figured if I am doing this for life I would switch over to Test U once a week, and based on my research the equivalent to that is 220mg of Test U. I would use a 1ml slin pin before and would like to keep using that just for convenience.

I am not new to homebrewing, just curious if anyone has a recipe for this that works? It looks like after 200mg test U tends to crash.
Are you giving up on having kids? It might be a possibility, so either get your sperm tested and go freeze some just in case you want some young ones in the future.
Had a vasectomy about two years ago brother lol wife actually suggested it as neither of us have ever wanted kids
That covers that part then lol. If it really affects your well being mentally and your marriage too, nobody can fault you if you try trt to resolve it. Good luck brother.
I switched from test C to test U a few months ago. You need to front load because it takes forever to build up in your system. You also need less Test U than test C once you have reached saturation as the long half lives build up. I cruise on 80mg/week test U which puts me at around 800 at trough. I did 60mg/day for a week then 40mg/day for 2 weeks to get levels roughly where I wanted them.
I switched from test C to test U a few months ago. You need to front load because it takes forever to build up in your system. You also need less Test U than test C once you have reached saturation as the long half lives build up. I cruise on 80mg/week test U which puts me at around 800 at trough. I did 60mg/day for a week then 40mg/day for 2 weeks to get levels roughly where I wanted them.
Hmmm I was always in the high 8s low 9s on 200mg of Cyp (cyp was tested too). It’s crazy how we all react so different to this stuff. I figured for now I’ll stick with 220 and obviously get bloodwork and I can always dial it down if needed. I forget who posted it but somewhere there is a graph showing to front load 660mg your first two weeks and then continue on 220 after that.
I used to cruise at 200mg/week of Test C pinned Mon/Thurs and was pretty dialed in, so I figured if I am doing this for life I would switch over to Test U once a week, and based on my research the equivalent to that is 220mg of Test U.
I would just use 200mg then. TU is a lot more stable, it doesn't peak as high, but it also doesn't hit so low through like you get with TC/TE. So overall, your T levels will be a lot more stable and even.

I get sub ~1000ng/dl on 150mg/week.
Front-loading TRT is weird. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

It's almost a dead giveaway that you're doing a cycle, not TRT.

Side effects = cycle. No one wants to deal with side effects forever.