Testicle size, regeneration


I've been off cycle for over 2 months now, I've been using clomid and Nolvadex
@ 100/100/50/50, 40/40/20/20
I've got about a week and a half of pct. I can tell my testes have increased in size tremendously, I have no loss on libido, and I went from 189 to 186/187 so no real weight loss and I still have my strength from know cycle. I've read a few articles on testicle size but I want to hear your guys inputs... and if it's not to weird your testicles size if they are hypogandic. Any input for what is still considered hypogandism is greatly appreciated.
Bc answer to your question lies in a little evidence based factoid, I'll answer your question with another; what is the PRIMARY function of the TESTIS?

Yea and if you have been "reading" that material which is most applicable to hypogonadism, your reply should be IMMEDIATE!
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Oh and let's not over look the fact bc there are several forms of hypogonadism, the criteria used to formulate such a diagnosis varies, depending upon the etiology.
My nuts were nothing special to begin with. Don't miss them now, and haven't had any females comment yet. Small potatoes make the steak look bigger anyway. . .

Actually substantially more comfortable than when they were larger. High heat work conditions can make for some serious chafing.

But anyway, I'm shrunk by about half. HCG blasts or a restart bring them up close to where they once were, over 3/4 of the way. Hard to tell for sure though. I've never put a tape measure to my nuts, and I'm not starting now.