testicular atrophy on levothyroxine


This past week my serm count has been really low, and when I woke up this morning my testicles were atrophied. They've been like this all day and night. before they used to dangle low. What does this mean? How do thyroid meds affect other hormones?

Han? Dr Scally? Anyone?
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This past week my s[p]erm count has been really low, and when I woke up this morning my testicles were atrophied. They've been like this all day and night. before they used to dangle low. What does this mean? How do thyroid meds affect other hormones?

Han? Dr Scally? Anyone?

So confused.

How are you counting your sperm? By hand?
chill bro...just teasing you, you didnt answer the question by the way....

anways....I do have same issue as you, but w/o lab work is hard to tell....can you post any lab results you have showing test levels and other hormones?

mine dont hang cause I have hypopituitary disorder, so my balls make sperm but not testoterone, these are 2 separate things I believe and not always directly indicative of one another (ie. I was able to have kids just fine with test levels in 200-300 range)
Ok, but seriously, how do you know your sperm count is down? What are your thyroid labs on T4?

If anything getting your thyroid in line will increase your T.

just curious how is that? and did you meant Free T4 or Free T3??

I have high Free T3 but it doesnt do crap for my T because I have low cortisol, so the Free T3 just hangs around because Reverse T3 is blocking it.....right?
I've been getting pains in the knees when I walk, it started yesterday and now I have massive brain fog too. Also depression creeping in big time and i'm on T4. I honestly think it's lowered my T which i hope to god it has so that I can get prescribed trt.
I've been getting pains in the knees when I walk, it started yesterday and now I have massive brain fog too. Also depression creeping in big time and i'm on T4. I honestly think it's lowered my T which i hope to god it has so that I can get prescribed trt.

hmmm..check your cortisol levels? its just as important (if not more) than Thyroid and T
just curious how is that? and did you meant Free T4 or Free T3??

I have high Free T3 but it doesnt do crap for my T because I have low cortisol, so the Free T3 just hangs around because Reverse T3 is blocking it.....right?

I mean if you are hypothyroid, normalizing the condition will (sometimes) cause an increase in testosterone. Also, going hyperthyroid will moderately increase testosterone.