testo E var mid cycle blood results


New Member
hello guys, so 2 weeks ago before I added anavar (no i am one week on 50mg of var) to my 400mg/week test E cycle i did blood test and this are results (first numbers are from blood test i did before I started the cycle, second numbers are from blood test from 5th week of my cycle).
I eat around 2k-2200 klcal , my bench when insanely up for like 15kg, I feel good for now no bigger sides effects (every now and then i get one bigger pimple), little to none hair loss and I am genetically predisposed to baldness, but i am still worried about lh, fsh, estrogen numbers.
lh seems low cuz it recommandation is to be between 1.7 - 8.6
fsh recommandation is tu be between 1.5 - 12.4
and estrogen seems too be to high recomm. 11.3 - 43.2
Any suggestion what to do?

Triglyceride 37 mg/dL ............... 38 mg/dL

Cholesterol HDL 65 mg/dl ............ 44 mg/dL

Cholesterol LDL 83 mg/dL .......... 82 mg/dL

LH 8.7 mUI/mL .......... <0.3 mUI/mL

FSH 2.4 mUI/mL .......... <0.3 mUI/mL

17 Beta Estradiol 29.3 ng/L .......... 70.2 ng/L

Total T 6.05 ug/L .......... >15 ug/L

Free T 26.1 pg/mL .......... 129 pg/mL

DHT 309.7 pg/mL .......... 837.2 pg/mL
You should have done more research before starting the cycle. If you have researched, you would know why lh and fsh are low. If you don't experience any estrogen side effects let it sit there.
hello guys, so 2 weeks ago before I added anavar (no i am one week on 50mg of var) to my 400mg/week test E cycle i did blood test and this are results (first numbers are from blood test i did before I started the cycle, second numbers are from blood test from 5th week of my cycle).
I eat around 2k-2200 klcal , my bench when insanely up for like 15kg, I feel good for now no bigger sides effects (every now and then i get one bigger pimple), little to none hair loss and I am genetically predisposed to baldness, but i am still worried about lh, fsh, estrogen numbers.
lh seems low cuz it recommandation is to be between 1.7 - 8.6
fsh recommandation is tu be between 1.5 - 12.4
and estrogen seems too be to high recomm. 11.3 - 43.2
Any suggestion what to do?

Triglyceride 37 mg/dL ............... 38 mg/dL

Cholesterol HDL 65 mg/dl ............ 44 mg/dL

Cholesterol LDL 83 mg/dL .......... 82 mg/dL

LH 8.7 mUI/mL .......... <0.3 mUI/mL

FSH 2.4 mUI/mL .......... <0.3 mUI/mL

17 Beta Estradiol 29.3 ng/L .......... 70.2 ng/L

Total T 6.05 ug/L .......... >15 ug/L

Free T 26.1 pg/mL .......... 129 pg/mL

DHT 309.7 pg/mL .......... 837.2 pg/mL
Lol wtf do you expect your LH and fsh to look like on cycle? Tell me you have no idea what you’re doing without telling me you have no idea what the fuck you’re doing
Lh stimulates your balls to produce testosterone and fsh stimulates your balls to create sperm. When taking steroids you suppress your hpta and of course your fsh and lh will go down.
"Hey LH and FSH, what's going on down there? It seems like you two got a little mixed up with your responsibilities! LH is like, 'Nah, I'll just take a vacation and leave testosterone production hanging.' And FSH is all like, 'Sperm? Who needs that? I'm going to the beach!' Talk about a dysfunctional duo! Maybe they should attend a 'Hormonal Rehabilitation' program to get their acts together. Can't have the ballgame goin' all wonky, guys!"
"Hey LH and FSH, what's going on down there? It seems like you two got a little mixed up with your responsibilities! LH is like, 'Nah, I'll just take a vacation and leave testosterone production hanging.' And FSH is all like, 'Sperm? Who needs that? I'm going to the beach!' Talk about a dysfunctional duo! Maybe they should attend a 'Hormonal Rehabilitation' program to get their acts together. Can't have the ballgame goin' all wonky, guys!"
It takes a real pimp to say some shit like this at 6:30am. Respect.