Testosterone Testing

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While they're scientifically proven to work
too bad they didn't test more steroids.
Thank you
Some scientific results (tested with lab grade powder):

Marquis: Red
Mecke: Red to brown
Froehde: Red

Marquis: Brown

Dromostanolone propionate
Marquis: Faint yellow

Marquis: Faint yellow

Testosterone no ester
Marquis: Faint yellow to tan

Marquis: light yellow

Testosterone 17-phenylpropionate
Marquis: Orange

Nandrolone Phenpropionate
Marquis: Orange

Marquis: Orange to brown

Testosterone decanoate
Marquis: Tan

Nandrolone Phenpropionate
Marquis: Orange

Marquis: Yellow

Marquis: Yellow

Marquis: Yellow to brown

Methandriol dipropionate
Marquis: Yellow to brown

Marquis: Yellow to orange to light brown/red

Testosterone enanthate
Marquis: Yellow/orange with orange specks

Boldenone acetate
Marquis: No color change

Boldenone cypionate
Marquis: No color change

Dromostanolone enanthate
Marquis: No color change

Methenolone enanthate
Marquis: No color change

Testosterone acetate
Marquis: No color change

Testosterone isocaproate
Marquis: No color change

Testosterone undecanoate
Marquis: No color change

Clostebol acetate
Marquis: No color change

Testosterone 17-β-cypionate
Marquis: No color change

Testosterone propionate
Marquis: No color change
Do you literally just put compound and sulfuric acid in test tube and watch for color reaction? Seems too simple. How much of each would you use?
Tested PPL Test C powder with 93% concentrated sulfuric acid. Dripped 2 to 4 drops on top of a small amount of powder. Produced a red orange color. 20180224_124009.jpg20180224_124223.jpg20180224_124248.jpg20180224_124133.jpg20180224_124112.jpg20180224_124037.jpg
Tested PPL Test C powder with 93% concentrated sulfuric acid. Dripped 2 to 4 drops on top of a small amount of powder. Produced a red orange color. View attachment 85837View attachment 85838View attachment 85839View attachment 85841View attachment 85842View attachment 85843

Orange-red, right as the study said it would.
Before flushing it down the drain, you can neutralize the acid with some baking soda dissolved in water, if you want (go slowly, drop by drop).

Do you have some other gear to test?
Orange-red, right as the study said it would.
Before flushing it down the drain, you can neutralize the acid with some baking soda dissolved in water, if you want (go slowly, drop by drop).

Do you have some other gear to test?
Clom powder and test e oils. I tested the clom and it turned a dark color. I need a uv light to tell if it was green.
Not really; however, it broke the oil to a powdery sludge mixture. It was a tan color.
It would be nice if we had and in-depth sticky for this subject. It could potentially build a comprehensive collection of standards based on members' knowledge/experience with various testing techniques and protocols.
Not really; however, it broke the oil to a powdery sludge mixture. It was a tan color.
Yeah, looks like Sulfuric acid reacted with vegetable oil
http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/28851/7/07_chapter 2.pdf
Analyzing Oils with Sulphuric Acid

You can try to extract some steroid from oils
by adding about equal parts of oil-gear and ethyl alcohol, shake (if possible shake for 1 hour somehow)
allow the layers to separate, draw all the oil layer with a dropper
and allow the alcohol to evaporate, scrap off the dried steroid powder, and then test with sulfuric acid.

This may allow to recover some steroid from oil without requiring exotic solvents or complex methods like this:

9.3.11 Steroid extraction (for oils)
1. Mix 20 mL of acetonitrile with 2 mL of hexane in a bottle and shake (Reagent A).
2. Mix 20 mL of hexane with 2 mL of acetonitrile in a separate bottle and shake (Reagent B).
3. In a clean test tube mix about 2 mL of the bottom layer from Reagent A with about 2 mL
of the top layer from Reagent B and vortex. When the layers separate, remove the bottom
acetonitrile layer as blank.
4. In another test tube mix about 2 mL of the bottom layer of Reagent A with about 2 mL of
the top layer from Reagent B and vortex. Then add 1-5 drops of the oil (depending on the
concentration of your sample) to the test tube. The oil remains in the hexane layer and the
steroid to the lower acetonitrile layer.
5. Collect the acetonitrile layer and run on the GC/MS or dry down to run an IR.

Or this

I agree on having a sticky
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. will you join the bandwagon to begin testing gear with sulfuric acid (you don't need much gear or much sulfuric acid) to create a database and sticky?