There is something strange about Pharmacom Labs Test-E


New Member
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I initially posted this message on a forum but it was moved to anoher part beacause I asked for better products. As a result I cannot post anymore on the thread.

I think it is important to let other members know about my negative experience therefore I repost the modified message here.

"I have regularly ordered and used Pharma Test E300 on the website Anabolic Steroids For Sale | Buy Online In USA and Worldwide (Pharmacom Labs) for several years without the slightest problem.

However I had a very bad experience with the last order :
1) I made a first injection:
- pain in the thigh after the injection (as if I were injecting a propionate, but the pain lasted longer, at least one week)
- severe headaches, feeling of coldness during the following day.

I would like to insist on the headaches, I was simply unable to work.

The effects were so bad that I threw it to the bin.

2) I made a second injection with another vial a few weeks later :
- I experienced exactly the same effects as 1). this includes the headaches.

Did you have a similar experience with Basic Stero ? Personally I am extremely reluctant to inject this thing into my body again."

I reported them the issue and they replied that they had not changed anything."

I initially posted this message on a forum but it was moved to anoher part beacause I asked for better products. As a result I cannot post anymore on the thread.

I think it is important to let other members know about my negative experience therefore I repost the modified message here.

"I have regularly ordered and used Pharma Test E300 on the website Anabolic Steroids For Sale | Buy Online In USA and Worldwide (Pharmacom Labs) for several years without the slightest problem.

However I had a very bad experience with the last order :
1) I made a first injection:
- pain in the thigh after the injection (as if I were injecting a propionate, but the pain lasted longer, at least one week)
- severe headaches, feeling of coldness during the following day.

I would like to insist on the headaches, I was simply unable to work.

The effects were so bad that I threw it to the bin.

2) I made a second injection with another vial a few weeks later :
- I experienced exactly the same effects as 1). this includes the headaches.

Did you have a similar experience with Basic Stero ? Personally I am extremely reluctant to inject this thing into my body again."

I reported them the issue and they replied that they had not changed anything."

1) post this in the adequate sub-forum

2) it's been years you inject and you are still not homebrewing ? Don't come complaining about a finished product

3) high doses of testosterone are known to increase blood pressure and decrease T3 to T4 conversion, both of which could also explain your symptoms
There have been some complaints with Pharmacom's products recently.

Someone also reported a testosterone level in the 1300s while using 750 mg of Pharmacom test c, which is significantly low.

I recommend either sending the product to Jano for testing or binning it. It's not worth compromising your health for a few $.