This might save someones life ... NOT!!!


New Member
K so I went to the doc after having chest (heart) pain for a couple days and I had developed shortness of breath. Turns out I had (have) pneumonia (ah!). Anyways, I'm mid-cycle on TEST - E and the doc said to discontinue the gear. Sucks because I was just ready to crack open my 2nd vial of the cycle.
I have had mild heart pains on test before... Nothing major. But this time i can really feel it. Something I dont want to ignore.
My question is, from the perspective of someone who loves being big, how in the hell can i keep all my size (or most of it) so that i can continue naturally. I'm 6'0 220lbs 15% bf.
Whats the best pct to keep my gains? I love lifting and I love being big too much to quit bbing but I cant continue the gear if my health is in jeopardy. HELP. I'm willing to spend as much as i need to to keep as much size as possible. Nolva/clomid/hcg???
ALSO I would like an alternative to test to help me put on size... One thats easy on the heart. Dbol? Injectables are fine... Dont mind them. But probably an oral will be the more surefire bet. Ideas? Anyone here running a cycle without test and still making good gains?
We really need more information. Age, past/current medical problems? Have you had cardiac issues in the past? Did this doc diagnose you with a heart condition such as an arrhythmia, congestive heart failure or did he just diagnose you with pneumonia?

Share any of the diagnostic test he did such as cardiac enzymes, lipid profile cbc, renal profile, chest xray, 2D Echocardiogram, 12 lead EKG, etc... Did he mention a potential cardiac catherization?

I am not attempting to discredit your doc but I hope he did more than just prescribe you an antibiotic for the pneumonia and tell you to stop the gear because of the chest pain. The root problem needs to be addressed. AAS may exaggerate an underlying cardiac problem but simply discontinuing the AAS isn't going to fix the problem.

How much Test E were you on? How is your blood pressure? Testosterone E is a very safe compound and typically tolerated by people without incident. In fact, I would put it in a similar category as Deca, avavar and maybe EQ. Dbol? No way, stay away from that compound. It would do far more harm than good in your current situation.

Consider stopping the AAS completely, getting on TRT and consider going to a cardiologist and having an adequate workout performed. There is a chance the chest pain was due to the pneumonia and there is a good chance your doc conflated AAS use with the causation of the chest pain. And we all know how evil AAS is, so of course he told you to discontinue. However, you stated you have had chest pain in the past while on high doses of there is a good chance your doc is correct. For that reason, request a referral to a cardiologist and get to the bottom of the chest pain. Insist on a cardiac cath and a 2D echo. In the meantime, stop the gear and do pct or drop it down to a TRT dose.

A simple search on here will yield some great information in regards to PCT.
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Hi sir, I'm 20. No history of heart issues, although perhaps family history. Are you a Dr? Jw
Everything involving my heart came back fine, i have an ultrasound tomorrow, will update tomorrow on that. I recently starting doing pullovers to expand the rib cage and engage more chest, I'm really thinking its a combination of that and the pneumonia b/c now when I do pullovers my ribs crack a bit (like cracking knuckles).
I think I'm gonna decide to just keep taking gear. My chest pain is gone and when you said "drop to a trt dose" it all made sense. Theres no way the chest pain is coming from gear b/c my last injection over a week ago was .5cc (was the last of my first vial) which is basically a trt level dose.
I've now seen a dozen guys who have had the same problem who came out of it fine. Been looking into numerous studies that say gear has little to no negative effects on the heart.
Get this dude: dr says steroids will enlarge heart: test alone will not do that, correct? Only GH can do that, right? Thats what I read and thats why I refuse to take GH.
Nurse says gear only adds on to existing testosterone. I tried to tell her that it shuts down natural production but she tried to start a loud argument with me about it. I just shut up. She tried to flush out my system of testosterone with a bag of water and I told her "look I can get sick if we do that" but she swears she knows better than me what shes talking about. This just goes to show that just because someone has a degree doesnt mean they know better (in this case).
So let me get this... you had issues before on Test and decide to run another cycle. The 2nd cycle got you in the hospital and Dr. say to stop what you're doing (taking Test). You then come online and some guy type up a views that you like to hear "Keep using Test and maybe Test is not the problem" and now you're going to keep taking Test... LOL!! Never mind, the Dr opinion (he doesn't know more then you right??? )

Ooooh how foolish a 20 year and thinks he'll live forever!!

BTW.. 20yr shouldn't be on AAS.. Proper training and diet will get you BIG! You still got room to grow and using AAS IMO for you age is pure laziness!
No, what got me in the hospital was pneumonia, there was a bug going around at work.
Reason I cant blame it on the gear is because out of everyone I know that takes gear I've never seen anyone just drop because of a little bit of test. I'm not running anything extreme no tren/ winny no clen nothing major here. Just a test only cycle.
I'm not saying I know more than a dr... but whens the last time you saw a bber have problems from 1-2ccs of test a week? I'm on the youtube scene for years now and the only guys I see dropping from gear are pros who take shit for 20 years. And of course zyzz who died in a sauna trying to sweat out cocaine (i think).
I mean If I'm wrong here PLEASE correct me but its my understanding that test is not anything to shake a stick at...
I'm not jabbing again for at least another 2 months I'm gonna run pct and junk and make sure im safe and heart is all good and stuff. But man... Really?
Question: Anyone reading this ever have chest pain taking test?
I started taking gear to prep for a commercial (trust me if i didnt have to i wouldnt have) but i got off my first cycle and my gains disappeared : ( sucked! Just dont want it to happen again. I have no problems with being natural believe me! Just dont want to shrivel up into a shell of my former self again lol.
zyzz.. OMG!! Really... you got to go there! LOL!! IMO, it's best you have a professional look at your condition (if you think Test isn't the cause). All of us on this forum is just guessing. You know what's the definition of a insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different results.
Brother at 20 you have no business using AAS. You need to stay far away from them and eat, train, and enjoy your 20's. I never even touched anything until I was in my mid 30's and believe me at 20 or even 26 I didn't need anything other than hard ass work.
So let me get this... you had issues before on Test and decide to run another cycle. The 2nd cycle got you in the hospital and Dr. say to stop what you're doing (taking Test). You then come online and some guy type up a views that you like to hear "Keep using Test and maybe Test is not the problem" and now you're going to keep taking Test... LOL!! Never mind, the Dr opinion (he doesn't know more then you right??? )

Ooooh how foolish a 20 year and thinks he'll live forever!!

BTW.. 20yr shouldn't be on AAS.. Proper training and diet will get you BIG! You still got room to grow and using AAS IMO for you age is pure laziness!
LOL, sorry if my ability to critical analyze a situation offended you. Perhaps in the future I should adopt an immature, emotionally charged condescending approach, which helps no none...kind of like your post.
Brother at 20 you have no business using AAS. You need to stay far away from them and eat, train, and enjoy your 20's. I never even touched anything until I was in my mid 30's and believe me at 20 or even 26 I didn't need anything other than hard ass work.

This is sound advice.
K so I went to the doc after having chest (heart) pain for a couple days and I had developed shortness of breath. Turns out I had (have) pneumonia (ah!). Anyways, I'm mid-cycle on TEST - E and the doc said to discontinue the gear. Sucks because I was just ready to crack open my 2nd vial of the cycle.
I have had mild heart pains on test before... Nothing major. But this time i can really feel it. Something I dont want to ignore.
My question is, from the perspective of someone who loves being big, how in the hell can i keep all my size (or most of it) so that i can continue naturally. I'm 6'0 220lbs 15% bf.
Whats the best pct to keep my gains? I love lifting and I love being big too much to quit bbing but I cant continue the gear if my health is in jeopardy. HELP. I'm willing to spend as much as i need to to keep as much size as possible. Nolva/clomid/hcg???
ALSO I would like an alternative to test to help me put on size... One thats easy on the heart. Dbol? Injectables are fine... Dont mind them. But probably an oral will be the more surefire bet. Ideas? Anyone here running a cycle without test and still making good gains?

ARE YOU SERIOUS! I mean how can you expect to obtain anything more than far reaching conjecture with such LIMITED MEDICAL INFO.

Moreover using biased comments that emphasize the importance of PEDs, GAINS, GEAR and SIZE while minimizing the possibility your HEALTH may be in JEOPARDY, thoroughly confounds the intent of this thread.

You mentioned the development of "mild heart pains on a test before" wo elaborating further about the nature of that test, or what your doc said throughout this entire process.

My suggestion, (excluding chunking the PEDs your'e abusing in the TRASH) change the threads name to: MY HEART and HEALTH ARE FINE and I NEED HELP WITH CYCLING TO GET BIG. (Next up, a "source" or "PCT" request )

How predictable considering your AGE OF 22
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Okay, I need help with cycling and pct. The doctor said to discontinue the test based on his knowledge of test. He says "test can enlarge your heart and contribute to heart problems". To my knowledge test does not enlarge the heart... Only GH can do that, correct?
Yes sir, my heart is fine. Never had heart problems in my life. Im getting an ultrasound this morning and I will update here with info... My heart no longer hurts and i think id contribute it more to the pneumonia than the cycle. Although the nurse threw a bag of water in my bloodstream and im feeling a little low.
I've seen a dozen other guys in 10 minutes who've had this problem and came out of it fine...
I recently started doing pullovers to expand the rib cage (literally 2 workouts before i had this pain), now when i do certain movements i hear my ribs cracking (like fingers) near my heart??? IS THIS THE CULPRATE?
The doctor said to discontinue the test based on his knowledge of test. He says "test can enlarge your heart and contribute to heart problems". To my knowledge test does not enlarge the heart... Only GH can do that, correct?
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is one of the more well-established potential side effects seen in long-term steroid users (and weight lifters for that matter).

AAS have cardiovascular consequences. There is no dispute. Take a look at the extensive research on the matter curated in the following thread courtesy of Dr. Scally:

Anabolic Steroids and Cardiovascular Function | MESO-Rx Forum
Okay, I need help with cycling and pct. The doctor said to discontinue the test based on his knowledge of test. He says "test can enlarge your heart and contribute to heart problems". To my knowledge test does not enlarge the heart... Only GH can do that, correct?
Yes sir, my heart is fine. Never had heart problems in my life. Im getting an ultrasound this morning and I will update here with info... My heart no longer hurts and i think id contribute it more to the pneumonia than the cycle. Although the nurse threw a bag of water in my bloodstream and im feeling a little low.
I've seen a dozen other guys in 10 minutes who've had this problem and came out of it fine...

AAS can indeed enlarge your heart and overtime can lead to LVH, cardiomyopathy and ultimately heart failure. The echo performed today will shed light as to whether you have an enlarged heart as well as many other cardiac abnormalities. Please share your results.

A few people who have replied to your thread have posted some great advice, although one did so with a douchebag tone. Anyways, your body is prime to make great and consistent gains without AAS. From the age of 20-22 my bodyweight went from 195lbs to 225lbs with very little change in body fat. I did heavy deadlifts, squats, benches and power cleans. I literally carried chicken breast, yams and protein shakes in my book bag. In between classes I would eat and I managed to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I never touched AAS, alcohol or any recreational druges and rarely stayed up past 11pm. Two years rendered almost 30 pounds of quality muscle. Muscle that I have still kept. Strongly consider hitting your genetic potential before you use AAS.
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Thank u everyone for your advice. I will update with ultrasound info after this. Its established that I'm doing my pct and hopping off the gear and seeing what I can do naturally from hereon out... Gonna see if I can manage to keep all my gains (or at least stay around 205-210 pre-cut). Nothing is worth risking health for not even gains (ha) not a laughing matter but
Next post i make will be ultrasound results.
LOL, sorry if my ability to critical analyze a situation offended you. Perhaps in the future I should adopt an immature, emotionally charged condescending approach, which helps no none...kind of like your post.

Sorry bro this kid needs real professional help (aka a REAL DR) and not some faceless guy over the internet who suggest (base on what the OP statement) he continue with Test (TRT dosage). You offer no value to this kid but only to inflate his need to continue with Test at all cost (gotta keep them gainz!!) even to his own health.

It's good he realized his error and is NOW (after Millard and Dr. Jim posting!) going to take care of his health issues!

OP- take care of your health and train naturally until you max out your gains.. then, come back!
After multiple EKGs and tests and stuff my heart is fine...
Dude the pain I had was in my freakin sternum Im doing research on pullovers and its a new exercise for me... People are saying "you wont believe the pain you feel in your sternum" i feel like an idiot for posting this now.
Wasnt even my heart that hurt bro
I feel dumb.
After multiple EKGs and tests and stuff my heart is fine...
Dude the pain I had was in my freakin sternum Im doing research on pullovers and its a new exercise for me... People are saying "you wont believe the pain you feel in your sternum" i feel like an idiot for posting this now.
Wasnt even my heart that hurt bro
I feel dumb.

Good to hear! Now, drop the AAS and train naturally. When you do decide to jump back in.. make sure you're health (get bloodwork), know the compound, and proper PCT (pharma grade only). But all of that will do you jack shiet if you're training and diet sucks! So tightened that up and you'll see gains and keep them--natty!