Time lengths between cycles


New Member
Have now been off my second cycle for about 2 months now, bloods have been done and everything is back to normal with my pct done correctly. Have managed to maintain a fair bit of what I put on which I’m glad about but I’m now just hanging to jump back on again. How long does everyone else usually have between there cycles?
I’m of the belief that if you’re PCTing then breaks should be longer. The constant rollercoaster of on cycle to PCT to regaining natural function to on cycle again is a lot.

At minimum, in general, long enough to reach physiological levels and confirm bloodwork is good. Ideally long enough to back food and training intensity down to a lower baseline before cycle, but almost nobody does well with either on or off cycle to begin with.
I’m of the belief that if you’re PCTing then breaks should be longer. The constant rollercoaster of on cycle to PCT to regaining natural function to on cycle again is a lot.

At minimum, in general, long enough to reach physiological levels and confirm bloodwork is good. Ideally long enough to back food and training intensity down to a lower baseline before cycle, but almost nobody does well with either on or off cycle to begin with.
Yeah see that’s where it gets difficult because part of me wants to get back on but then part of me thinks just have another 6 weeks off, I suppose it does all come down your personal preference, legend
Responses to this will be hugely variable.

Gear history? Doses and compounds and goals? Et cetera.
First cycle was just test and masteron about a year ago, ran for 4 months, can’t actually remember the dosages. Second cycle was test e, deca and dbol for about 6 months. Running at a higher dosage. My goals are to now put on some proper size going into the next cycle
Yeah see that’s where it gets difficult because part of me wants to get back on but then part of me thinks just have another 6 weeks off, I suppose it does all come down your personal preference, legend
Why cycle off if your just going to hop back on, eventually you will be trt. Might as well do it now, your just prolonging 6 moths, anyway if you are already thinking this
Why cycle off if your just going to hop back on, eventually you will be trt. Might as well do it now, your just prolonging 6 moths, anyway if you are already thinking this

Solid chance this person is going to end up on TRT anyway.

But sure yeah you can probably tolerate & recover from another blast better now when you're younger.

There was a study on this showing higher side effects in older men treated with the same doses as younger men. Many confounders, sure. But it's a hint.

I hopped on gear 1y ago. After my first 5 month blast I took roughly a 4.5 month hiatus, but after the second blast, I had no interest in coming off so soon and just cruised at test 125. I finished my second blast 1 months ago, and hope to not blast again for at least 6m-1y. Last time I came off, I didn’t have immediate sides, but lost the water and eventually some more tissue gains by being off. I’m 28 (no kids yet but already froze sperm before gear) so it may be a bit premature, but I really feel like the benefits of lifetime trt/cruise (with maybe a few blasts here and there) outweigh the costs if you’re willing to do the legwork to manage everything and are willing to suffer some bad sides now and then. In today’s world, we can get our own test, our own hCG, our own ancillaries, and even our own bloods. Would absolutely not recommend it to anyone else though. Most people on gear or even TRT screw themselves over, and even I’m taking a risk here.