Time to wait to see if I should increase adex...


New Member
What's up Meso so I'm on 600mg of sust a week in 2 pins per week and I'm now in the middle of week 2. A few days ago I noticed my nipples getting a little sensitive so I started adex at a .25mg 3x a week. While I've read that sensitive nips is not a sure sign of gyno I figured to go ahead and start a very small dose of adex. I haven't had any signs of water retention or lumps so I'm thinking of just staying at the dose I'm on and waiting it out a bit. Any thoughts or advice would be great thx.
Give it a week or so, then reevaluate. As long as they aren't getting worse, you'll be fine.

Definitely go for bloods once you get further in though. Makes everything much easier.
Give it a week or so, then reevaluate. As long as they aren't getting worse, you'll be fine.

Definitely go for bloods once you get further in though. Makes everything much easier.
Thx and yes I'm gonna do bloods at 4-6 weeks in which do you think would be better for sust I'm thinking 6
Probably six with that undecanoate.

I have no experience with sustanon though. Couldn't tell you the exact protocol.