Top 5 ingredients you look for in preworkout?


New Member
Just wanted to hear from some of the vets or from people familiar with the science [not broscience, ideally actual science], what ingredients do you look for in a preworkout?

the most common I hear are..

1. caffeine [obviously]
2. citrulline or citrulline malate?
3. beta-alanine
4. l-arginine
5. creatine of some form?

but I'm not sure about ideal doseages and I always get sketched out when its some "blend" with a million ingredients and not a single doseage of each mentioned, but any opinions on ideal ingredients for hypertrophy/muscle building/pump? and what are the best pre-workouts these days? ingredients are constantly changing and its to the point where i trust random people on forums more than i trust supplement companies.
Pretty much

Citrulline ( you want malate over l-citrulline)
insert some stronger stim product if you want it here like DMAE

Past Agmatine/Citrulline you're not gonna get much better pumps there used to a company that sold Potassium Nitrate pills those gave me a killer pump.

These days I don't even bother with overpriced PWOs and nothing beats 5-10mg of Cialis for pumps.
I make my own preworkout. Citrulline malate, beta alanine, agmatine, creatine, salt, caffeine, and glycerpump. Works fine.

I actually just ordered a tub of the Gorilla mind preworkout to try. Looks well dosed and nothing proprietary. But yeah, short of something pharmacological, you'll likely not get better pumps than those ingredients.
I make my own preworkout. Citrulline malate, beta alanine, agmatine, creatine, salt, caffeine, and glycerpump. Works fine.

I actually just ordered a tub of the Gorilla mind preworkout to try. Looks well dosed and nothing proprietary. But yeah, short of something pharmacological, you'll likely not get better pumps than those ingredients.

Yeah his PWO and stuff is actually dosed pretty well not sure on the price of them but he does his research. Gorilla Mode/Rush.
Same as what has been mentioned. I have tried tons over the years, but the past few I keep going back to PreJym. No proprietary garbage, no crash, and enough caffeine to wake me up at 430am.
I make my own too.

15g beet root
6g citrulline malate
3g creatine mono
1.5g taurine
3g arginine AKG
1.5g agmatine sulfate
2.4g beta alanine
Flavor packet

For my intra:
10g EAAs (Granite, True Nutrition, Hosstile)
3g creatine mono
3g hydromax glycerol
40g HBCD

Works great for me. I avoid all stimulants preworkout now because I have a genetic arrhythmia and it flares it up. The vasodilators keep my BP down while I lift too, which also helps me push really hard.

I'm gonna try the Hosstile Bloodshot soon. Looks like solid stuff. The Granite GX is great but spikes my BP too much
I make my own preworkout. Citrulline malate, beta alanine, agmatine, creatine, salt, caffeine, and glycerpump. Works fine.

I actually just ordered a tub of the Gorilla mind preworkout to try. Looks well dosed and nothing proprietary. But yeah, short of something pharmacological, you'll likely not get better pumps than those ingredients.
Try adding a quality beet root powder at 15g. Makes for awesome pumps along with the rest. I've tried a few, and all except True Nutrition were crap. I think they extract the betaine and everything out and sell the leftover powder lol