Odor? My DMSO has no odor and doesnt cause a change in breath.
My DMSO is 99.8%+ pure. Truly pure DMSO shouldnt have any odor or cause bad breath from what i understand.
OP, have you tried Phlojel Ultra? Look into it. I played with both DMSO transdermal compounding and Phlojel transdermal compounding.
Also, you can get some hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin and turn the test base into a water soluble injectable (not a suspension). HPBCD will turn a hydrophobic molecule into a hydrophilic molecule, using HPBCD i was able to make test base dissolve into sterilized water suitable for injection via subcutaneous, intramuscular, and even intravaneous administration routes.
Edit: also you can use HPBCD to turn test base into a sublingual drop you can put under your tongue. My experiments seemed to suggest an absorption rate limitation via gingival/buccal/sublingual administration of HPBCD encapsulated testosterone base of around 20-30mg per administration though.