Transfer Sterile Filtered Oil from Glass Flask to Sterile Vials


Hi guys, excuse me if it's been already asked but didnt find anything and i spent hours on this forum reading a lot, so, thanks to everyone for sharing knowledge.

I bought a glass flask for vacuum pump filtration and i use PTFE 0.22 membrane filters (after i discovered that solvents breaks cellulose membranes)

I dumbly transfered the filtrated solution into a sterile becker, but i know it's a something stupid thing. So the next brew i dont wanna redo that, and im thinking about using a sterile canule used for intravenous injection (i cant find the right english term)


after being modified, to link a syringe to draw it from the flask and transfer it into sterile vials.

Yes, when i ll detach the rubber tube from the vacuum pump the unsterile air will enter into depressurized flask, and solution wont be sterile anymore.

Is that such an issue even If i do it into a clean room etc?

Are there any ways to do it? Thanks in advance..

In my place right now wont be easy to buy zapcap bottle filter etc.. but im still looking for them..

Thanks everyone will answer :)
88BF7A82-FBEC-495B-B344-FCDD92EDCB3F.jpeg 6A381A79-4D2D-42E7-BCB1-B9F2A78CC4E5.jpeg Welp, first and foremost. Unless you are making products with a bottle top filter under a flowhood, there is no way to keep the solution from being exposed to air that may contain dust or clothing fiber particles. If you are using a glass bottle top filter system like you showed above the best solution for limiting the air exposure(because it’s impossible to not expose it to air with that system). I would recommend removing the glass liquid holder on the top and remove the filter paper and allow air to come in from the top. Because, the glass under the filter paper is fritted and will filter out dust and clothing fibers. Just leave your vacuum line connected.39A71430-2343-48EA-9CC2-5ABCFDB6238D.jpeg Next I would find a silicone cap that will fit over top of the top of the glass flask piece. As fast as you can to limit air exposure remove the filter disk piece from the flask and put the silicone cap on it. Then take a syringe and a long syringe needle and inject it through the silicone cap and remove the contents you need from the flask and load it into your sterile vials
Sapta cap for transferring. A direct block after the filter has been removed. The amount of opportunity for outside contamination introducing itself into your receiver is minimal when you take the filter off, really pretty small, but as stated, an air flow hood is about the only fool proof way to ensure that your air is clean.
Sapta cap for transferring. A direct block after the filter has been removed. The amount of opportunity for outside contamination introducing itself into your receiver is minimal when you take the filter off, really pretty small, but as stated, an air flow hood is about the only fool proof way to ensure that your air is clean.

thanks guys

Hi guys, excuse me if it's been already asked but didnt find anything and i spent hours on this forum reading a lot, so, thanks to everyone for sharing knowledge.

I bought a glass flask for vacuum pump filtration and i use PTFE 0.22 membrane filters (after i discovered that solvents breaks cellulose membranes)

I dumbly transfered the filtrated solution into a sterile becker, but i know it's a something stupid thing. So the next brew i dont wanna redo that, and im thinking about using a sterile canule used for intravenous injection (i cant find the right english term)


after being modified, to link a syringe to draw it from the flask and transfer it into sterile vials.

Yes, when i ll detach the rubber tube from the vacuum pump the unsterile air will enter into depressurized flask, and solution wont be sterile anymore.

Is that such an issue even If i do it into a clean room etc?

Are there any ways to do it? Thanks in advance..

In my place right now wont be easy to buy zapcap bottle filter etc.. but im still looking for them..

Thanks everyone will answer :)
Either sterile pipettes or syringes must be used for the transfer.

Make sure it's done in a clean environment.
The easiest and cheapest way is to make a frame out of wire and cover it with clear plastic as to make a sealed enclosure.
Then cut some openings for gloves and seal them with duct tape or something.

And you'll have an enclosure that its actually cleaner than most surgery or clean rooms for just pennies.
Either sterile pipettes or syringes must be used for the transfer.

Make sure it's done in a clean environment.
The easiest and cheapest way is to make a frame out of wire and cover it with clear plastic as to make a sealed enclosure.
Then cut some openings for gloves and seal them with duct tape or something.

And you'll have an enclosure that its actually cleaner than most surgery or clean rooms for just pennies.

thanks for the imput man, but dont you think the air in it wont be clear so you ll protect some airflow but in fact the air you expose the filtered oil to aint sterile?
thanks for the imput man, but dont you think the air in it wont be clear so you ll protect some airflow but in fact the air you expose the filtered oil to aint sterile?

Bro. Think about this. What do you inject into your bottle of juice before you pull your dose out if it. Air. The air isn’t going to bother your brew as long as you are working in a reasonably clean environment with as little airflow going on as possible so that dust and other contaminants aren’t being lifted up into the air
Bro. Think about this. What do you inject into your bottle of juice before you pull your dose out if it. Air. The air isn’t going to bother your brew as long as you are working in a reasonably clean environment with as little airflow going on as possible so that dust and other contaminants aren’t being lifted up into the air
yes. Exactly.