TransFusion Pharmaceuticals Intro CANADA DOMESTIC


Hello All fellow MesoRX members,
I am a rep for Transfusion Pharmaceuticals. We are a lab that has gained a big following all over Canada with our attention to detail and consistent quality. We are well known and liked on CanadianMass and we have also had some great exposure on other public source boards. My sourcing status can be confirmed from CanadianMass.
I realize in the beginning we will be met with great skepticism here, but in the end our quality and reputation will prevail.

We offer the following:

  • Reputable lab which has been around for 3 years now
  • Many positive online reviews, as well as some labmaxes and blood tests done by users on other sites on some of our products
  • Convenient shipping policy
  • Great Customer Satisfaction Policy

Payment Methods Accepted And Minimums:
  • Western Union: $200-$299 ID WAIVED with Security Question. Western Union has a 200$ minimum and the cutoff with ID WAIVED in Canada with security question is 299$
  • MoneyGram: $300+ ID waived with security question
  • BTC: minimum is 0 (this method is preferred)


In this day and age there is no reason to not take your and our security very seriously. There are many tutorials out there and it takes 15 minutes max to set up.

Please Sign your public key when e mailing our secure address. Please use the subject ‘QUESTION’ for questions and ‘ORDER’ for ordering.NO RESPONSE TO E MAILS THAT ARE NOT ENCRYPTED

On Android a very easy to use application called OPENKEYCHAIN may be used. BE SURE TO SIGN WITH YOUR PGP KEY


Shipping And Turnaround Times:
  • $20 Flat Rate across Canada. By default SIGNATURE IS INCLUDED with all deliveries for verification of receipt. If you request signature waived your package will be sent as such but you as the customer are assuming ALL LIABILITY for a package that is seen as 'delivered' (assuming the address etc. is all correct on our end) but is never received into your possession. We at Transfusion Pharmaceuticals understand that for many signature required is a hassle or inconvenience, so we can waive the stated becomes the 'condition' for that. All orders are shipped within 48H Max of confirmation receipt of funds, 24H is the standard turnaround time. Weekends and holidays are exempt from this time frame. All products are in stock unless specifically noted otherwise.WE DO NOT SHIP OUTSIDE OF CANADA

Product Line Price List (CAD$)

SALE (Sale prices added to already reduced prices)

1) A purchase of 250$+ of TRANSpharma products (orals or injectable vials) receive 25$ credit towards the application of an additional transpharma product at retail cost.
2) A purchase of 500$+ of TRANSpharma products (orals or injectable vials) receive 50$ in free product or product credit towards the application of an additional transpharma product at retail cost.
3) A purchase of 750$+ of TRANSpharma products (orals or injectable vials) receive 75$ in free product or product credit towards the application of an additional transpharma product at retail cost.
Exceptions include HGH, DNP, HCG and BAC Water. This promotion is 'stackable' with all current sales prices!

Transfusion Pharmaceuticals offers the following INJECTABLE AAS

Each injectable is accurately dosed with 99% pure raw compound. We alway's use double filtration in the most sanitary environment possible. Only pre-filtered grape seed oil is used in conjunction with a professional filtration system to reduce pain and eliminate infection.
Keep in mind new products and blends to be announced very shortly, waiting on labels

All vials are 10ml multidose vials

Boldenone Cypionate -----------EQ Cyp 200mg/ml---------$55
Boldenone Undecylenate--------EQ 300mg/ml--------------$60/SALE $55
Drostanolone Propionate--------Mast Prop 100mg/ml------$60/SALE $55
Drostanolone Enanthate---------Mast Enan 200mg/ml------$80/SALE $75
Nandrolone Cypionate-----------Deca Cyp 200mg/ml------$60/SALE 55$
Nandrolone Decanoate----------Deca 300mg/ml-----------$60 /SALE 55$
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate--NPP 100mg/ml-------------$50
Primobolan Enanthate-----------Primo E 100mg/ml--------$90
Primobolan Enanthate-----------Primo E 200mg/ml--------$160/SALE 150$
Trenbolone Acetate--------------Tren A 100mg/ml----------$55
Trenbolone Enanthate-----------Tren E 200mg/ml-----------$75/SALE $70
Testosterone Acetate------------Test A 100mg/ml-----------$45/SALE $40
Testosterone Cypionate---------Test C 250mg/ml-----------$55
Testosterone Enanthate---------Test E 250mg/ml------------$55/SALE 50$
Testosterone Propionate--------Test P 100mg/ml------------$45/SALE $40
Testosterone Enanthate 400-----T400 400mg/ml-------------$70/SALE 65$
Sustanon 250-----------------------Test Sust 250mg/ml--------$60/SALE $55

Transfusion Pharmaceuticals offers the following AAS ORALS
Orals are produced with a pharmaceutical grade press. They consist of microcrystalline cellulose and sucrose with dextrins to produce a solid, glossy tablet. We guarantee satisfaction and will work to resolve any issue.


Anadrol-----25mgs--100-------$70/SALE 65$
Anavar-----10mgs---100-------$75/SALE $70
Winstrol----20mgs---100-------$65/SALE $60

Arimidex---0.5mg---50 tablets-$50
Aromasin---12.5mg--50 tablets-$50
Clomid-----50mg----50 tablets-$55
Letrozole--1.25mg--50 tablets-$50
Nolvadex---40mg----50 tablets-$65/SALE $60

Fat Loss & Sexual Health
Accutane------20mg------50 tablets-$65/SALE 60$
Cialis----------25mg------50 tablets-$60
Clenbuterol---50mcg----100 tablets-$95
Cytomel (T3)-20mcg----100 tablets-$80
Dinitro DNP---250mg----50 capsules-$125/SALE 110$
Viagra----------50mg-----50 tablets---$60

Human Growth Hormone and Accessories
Nouveautrope----------191aa HGH---100iu--------$400/SALE $375
Bacteriostatic Water--Bac Water---30ml---------$20

1.We will work to offer comparable pricing to any reputable, long standing labs listings(Price Match Guarantee)

2.All issues concerning quality will be resolved following proper investigative process and examination of concerns(Customer Satisfaction Policy).

3.Returning customers and direct referrals may be eligible for additional incentives based on volume and frequency(Loyalty Incentive Agreement – cannot be combined with sale/discount incentives).

Picture attached is by no means proof, it is to give potential customers an idea of what our products look like


  • small idea of how it looks like.jpg
    small idea of how it looks like.jpg
    312.3 KB · Views: 227

Whats going on on reddit... people are saying you arent giving them their orders?

[–] Transfusion_Rep 2 points 15 days ago

We are regretful to inform "Transpharma" is in fact unreachable even on our end. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. We are working on figuring out what happened to him.

For all enquiries regarding pending orders please use PM. This will be the only public statement until we receive direction from moderators. Thank you.

One of our reps had run into some personal problems and went MIA for a while, he has since been replaced. No one ran off with any money, and a new rep was placed in charge of reddit operations to fix problems with a few peoples orders. Up until that slight issue, Transpharma sold on reddit for almost a year with no hiccups and built up quite a reputation on that site. If you had researched a little more thoroughly, you would have seen the post from an admin I linked above confirming our brand is still good and nothing shady went on. I can also link some anecdotal reviews off the site if anyone is interested.

Small fucking world transfusion. No where to hide.

If you actually done some proper research for an update on that situation instead of making a useless post parroting previously answered information, that I literally answered right above your post, perhaps you would have seen that the issue was resolved. Our rep on that website had an emergency and retired, and NEVER finalized any WU transactions or accepted money for things that were not sent out.

Here is a post by a forum admin on Reddit (you can see their name in the side bar of the site confirming their admin status) explaining that nothing shady ever took place and everyone has received orders or gotten their money back. over 18?
Sourcing for as many clientele as RedditSourceTalk brings is a full time job. People ask questions, people need help learning how to send money online, everyone's issues need to be addressed as soon as possible.
The rep who sourced there named TransPharma , did alot of great things for everyone in that community that he came in contact with. He still has a very good reputation on the site and people were sad to see him go. He had a great streak that lasted almost a year with no problems coming up at all and nothing but great reviews pouring in for our lab.We were very sad to see him go.

In this business, people come and go. That is the nature of it.
If you actually done some proper research for an update on that situation instead of making a useless post parroting previously answered information, that I literally answered right above your post, perhaps you would have seen that the issue was resolved. Our rep on that website had an emergency and retired, and NEVER finalized any WU transactions or accepted money for things that were not sent out.

Here is a post by a forum admin on Reddit (you can see their name in the side bar of the site confirming their admin status) explaining that nothing shady ever took place and everyone has received orders or gotten their money back. over 18?
Blame it on a rep? Not very original. You couldn't come up with a story better than that?

Transfusion is what will be needed if anyone buys your lame excuse and actually uses your bath tube home brew. You will not be here long Transfusion.
An emergency and retired? Right. That is the most lame excuse I have heard yet. Sounds like he got busted. Got retired to lock up. Now back to reddit fool. Oh that's right you can't. They know you. Lol
We did not get "fucked somewhere else". On reddit we are still a GO TO LAB for Canadian Domestic . We have a great reputation everywhere we sell, with an enormous amount of sales and no bad reviews.When I first showed up here I knew I would get attacked but I never knew I would have to teach you folks to READ. Every accusation made so far is baseless and easily proven wrong and to be quite honest, is pretty ridiculous. A little bit of research goes a long way folks.

That said, lets see some more posts based off a post that's been proven wrong time and time again. If you go to "reddit" where you made the claim we have ran away from, why is it everyone is vouching for the quality and trustworthiness of our lab? Why are so many members on CanadianMass behind the quality of our lab? Not a single person has been ripped off by us but everyone at MesoRX is welcome to post some more ignorant finger pointing.

In the end our gear speaks for itself. Our quality will eventually be proven on this board as well through LabMax or Bloods just as it was on the other forums. People will eventually make the jump and the ignorance will be silenced by hard proof. I can link to many reviews found online already about us but I am sure no one will read those either. We are not a "bathtub lab" and we do not disappear or leave customers without what they have paid for. Keep hating.
We did not get "fucked somewhere else". On reddit we are still a GO TO LAB for Canadian Domestic . We have a great reputation everywhere we sell, with an enormous amount of sales and no bad reviews.When I first showed up here I knew I would get attacked but I never knew I would have to teach you folks to READ. Every accusation made so far is baseless and easily proven wrong and to be quite honest, is pretty ridiculous. A little bit of research goes a long way folks.

That said, lets see some more posts based off a post that's been proven wrong time and time again. If you go to "reddit" where you made the claim we have ran away from, why is it everyone is vouching for the quality and trustworthiness of our lab? Why are so many members on CanadianMass behind the quality of our lab? Not a single person has been ripped off by us but everyone at MesoRX is welcome to post some more ignorant finger pointing.

In the end our gear speaks for itself. Our quality will eventually be proven on this board as well through LabMax or Bloods just as it was on the other forums. People will eventually make the jump and the ignorance will be silenced by hard proof. I can link to many reviews found online already about us but I am sure no one will read those either. We are not a "bathtub lab" and we do not disappear or leave customers without what they have paid for. Keep hating.
Great attitude, but we get scammer sources here weekly if not daily. As you can see they don't last long. You have a very fucked up attitude for a drug dealer. You come to meso and all you have is that future blood tests will prove your claims. We ARE NOT your guinea pigs.

When we have labs we KNOW and have been tested, why would anyone want your snake oil and jeopardize their health. So far what we know is that you had a rep go awol and YOUR assurance that you are legit. You have shown us nothing but disrespect. We know how to play disrespect well here.
Transpharma has been around a few years in Canada. I was asking about the reddit situation but it looks like it's a normal thing. I've had their products before for the record and they were decent.
You should consider donating to and or get your gear tested .
It will help people trust you also lab pics and gear pics ?
Here are some reviews over 18?- jimgear tren+M1T over 18?- halo_there tren e bulk over 18?- futuredestiny tren and test no pip and strength gains over 18?- MR_B1G Nolvadex working well over 18?- vital12: test e no pip, superdrol pumps, aromasin and anavar review over 18? nimbus DNP T/A over 18?- Miraclez Tren Insomnia, potency and sex drive over 18?- uwattmeit superdrol review over 18?- smokedbean T400 and proviron / compare to other large labs over 18? -JohnnyTRT Proof of our generous reship policy. over 18? -LiLJJJJJJJJJJJJ Arrival confirmation

I am still in the process of finding the blood work and serum tests that were there, will hopefully be found soon. I have personally done some Labmaxes on the product as I use it myself, would anyone like to see the pictures? Would it even be of any merit coming from the source rep?

There is a picture of the gear posted to OP, and I can have those pictures posted of Labmaxes, I have Test E250 , Anavar, NPP all labmaxed.
Transfusion Pharmaceuticals is happy to announce the following new addition to our products:

(lorcaserin) affects chemicals in the brain that affect appetite. Belviq is used together with diet and exercise to treat obesity. This drug performs as well as Meridia without the side effects. Belviq is FDA approved available via prescription.

Belviq 10mg (50) $60