TransFusion Pharmaceuticals Intro CANADA DOMESTIC

This April get ready for spring with deals on all of our products. We are also now offering insulin pins for $5 for a bag of 10. Also check out the pre bundled spring cutter !!!! CANADIAN DOMESTIC ONLY

*Free shipping on orders of $350 +

*Winny and Var $10 off

•All products take $5 off sale (except DNP, Bac water and HGH)

• Spring cutter! Test prop x 3, Tren Ace x 3 and Winstrol x 1 for $290

•HGH $375 ... NOW...$350

•$500+ orders receive free item of ($70 or less)

•$1000+ orders receive 2 free items of ($70 or less)

TransPharma oils

*Boldenone Cypionate EQ Cyp 200mg/ml $55

*Boldenone Undecylenate EQ 300mg/ml $60 SALE $55

*Drostanolone Enanthate Mast Enan 200mg/ml $80 SALE $75

*Nandrolone Cypionate Deca Cyp 200mg/ml $60 SALE 55$

*Nandrolone Decanoate Deca 300mg/ml $60 SALE 55$

*Nandrolone Phenylpropionate NPP 100mg/ml $50 SALE $45

*Primobolan Enanthate Primo E 100mg/ml $90

*Primobolan Enanthate Primo E 200mg/ml $160 SALE 150$

*Trenbolone Acetate Tren A 100mg/ml $55

*Trenbolone Enanthate Tren E 200mg/ml $75 SALE $70

*Testosterone Acetate Test A 100mg/ml $45 SALE $40

*Testosterone Cypionate Test C 250mg/ml $55

*Testosterone Enanthate Test E 250mg/ml $55 SALE 50$

*Testosterone Propionate Test P 100mg/ml $45 SALE $40

*Testosterone Enanthate 400 t400 400mg/ml $70 SALE 65$

*Sustanon 250 Test Sust 250mg/ml $60 SALE $55

TRANSpharma AAS Orals (50 or 100 Pressed Tablets) Oral Bottle Label/Tablets Orals are produced with a pharmaceutical grade press. They consist of microcrystalline cellulose and sucrose with dextrins to produce a solid, glossy tablet. We guarantee satisfaction and will work to resolve any issue

*Anadrol 25mg 100 $ 70

*Anavar 10mgs 100 $75 Sale $70

*Dianabol 20mgs 100 $65

*Halotestin 10mgs 50 $70

*Methyl-1T 10mgs 100 $65

*Proviron 25mgs 50 $60

*Superdrol 10mgs 100 $65

*Turinabol 25mgs 50 $70

*Winstrol 20mgs 100 $65 Sale $60

TransPharma AI & SERMS

*Arimidex 0.5mg 50 tablets $50

*Aromasin 12.5mg 50 tablets $55

*Clomid 50mg 50 tablets $55

*Letrozole 1.25mg 50 tablets $50

*Nolvadex 40mg 50 tablets $65 SALE $60

*Pramipexole 0.25mg 50 tablets $70

TransPharma Fat Loss & Sexual Health

*Accutane 20mg 50 tablets $65 SALE 60$

*Cialis 25mg 50 tablets $60

*Clenbuterol 100mcg 50 tablets $85

*Cytomel (T3) 20mcg 100 tablets $80 SALE $70

*Dinitro DNP 250mg 50 capsules $120

*Viagra 50mg 50tablets $60

*Belviq 10mgs 50 tablets $ 60


TransPharma Human Growth Hormone (Vialed Kits) Boxes and Vials GH SERUM TEST RESULTS MID 20's+ Serum Test 1 Serum Test 2 Serum Test 3 Serum Test 4

*EMD SERONO SEROSTIM (DIN# 02239046) 5MG KIT - 7x5MG (15IU Vials) 191aa HGH 105iu $1100

*Nouveautrope 191aa HGH 100iu $375

*Bacteriostatic Water Bac Water 20ml $20

*HCG HCG 5000iu $75

*Insulin Pins (10 pins ) $5
It was a honest mistake I didn't mean to oust it on the board,
Coop dont listen to the likes of cdn guy he has his own agenda and trolls pretty much any ugl. He's a fucktwat with zero knowledge just hangs out around the forums to make himself feel better.

Bet he's some little nerdy bitch who's never been fucked in his life

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Coop dont listen to the likes of cdn guy he has his own agenda and trolls pretty much any ugl. He's a fucktwat with zero knowledge just hangs out around the forums to make himself feel better.

Bet he's some little nerdy bitch who's never been fucked in his life

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I'm still under your skin hey troll? Lol beat it bitch ;)
Yeah I've sceen him all over other boards and also has talked shit to a few of my buddies on here, not really to concerned bout him just a waste of time.
Yeah I've sceen him all over other boards and also has talked shit to a few ofI my buddies on here, not really to concerned bout him just a waste of time.
Excuse me noob? All over what boards? I'm am only a member of Meso period!. As for you, your the dumb ass who posted your e mail & i was simply alerting MB to delete it and help you. But you go right ahead & order from this unproven lab. GL
Noob? This isn't no video game man you don't even know me lol

And yes I was the dumbass I was ripped and posted it here haha
I meant noob here to Meso. Maybe go to the new members section and introduced yourself. Hey I blaze to, we all make mistakes;)
Fuck new members we suck lol Is there an actual new member form ?

What's with this donations shit
Transpharma came through a couple weeks ago I started their superdrol and boy I tell you the pumps are intense and my strength is off the roof keep in mind you have to have your cycle support on hand .this is my third cycle I am on Test enanthate and transpharma superdrol gained 15lbs so far the representative are very fast in communication and my stuff got shipped as soon as I paid and in 3 days I had my shipment at my doorstep. With that being said this is my experience with them and iam certified so far hope they don't fall off quality wise I'll be doing my bloods soon so will see how that turns out
Transpharma came through a couple weeks ago I started their superdrol and boy I tell you the pumps are intense and my strength is off the roof keep in mind you have to have your cycle support on hand .this is my third cycle I am on Test enanthate and transpharma superdrol gained 15lbs so far the representative are very fast in communication and my stuff got shipped as soon as I paid and in 3 days I had my shipment at my doorstep. With that being said this is my experience with them and iam certified so far hope they don't fall off quality wise I'll be doing my bloods soon so will see how that turns out
