how to make transdermal testosterone?

Do you mind DM'ing? I've been looking for a source in regards to DHT cream. I want to utilize it in application to prevent scar tissue- Fibrosis in the Corpora Cavernosa of the penis. Rat studies show fibrotic tissue development after extended use of 5-AR drugs (I.E Finasteride & Dutasteride; Dutasteride for me specifically) and even if there's a small chance I'm not going to risk it. Or do you only receive it through your doctor?
It's through my doctor and a compounding pharmacy. I'm not aware that they will prescribe dht cream
It's from a compound pharmacy. I did not test dht or e2 but you are correct that my doc did inform me that dht levels would be much higher than injection. But he added that just because serum levels are high in the blood does not mean that it is high in the actual tissue. No way to know that without a biopsy. But at least in the two years I've been using the cream I never had any shedding. The only time I had shedding was actually when I was running TMT plus anavar. No cream use at that time

Well shit anavar can cause shedding so was not the inject test…
Personally never had problems as well with libido on dermal
the worse I had was lasting too long but cannot finish before my partner gets tired. its frustrating..But that is mostly an emotional psychological issue than the drug itself