Good info as I’m about to be taking a short trip here in the near future. I wasn’t planning to bring any injectable stuff, but I was trying to search if I bring my vitamins & health supps would they give me an issue?
I am only bringing a carry on bag & i typically pre pack my supps in a tackle Plano box so I can just grab and go. I have one for AM, Midday, and PM, so nothing is labeled it’s all fish oil, vit C, magnesium, zinc, D, K2, Astragalus, citrus bergamot, T3, TUDCA, and some other ones I’m probably forgetting. Will they give me an issue with those?
I apologize for my ignorance, only flown one other time & from what I’ve read they want everything in its own bottle labeled, so I wasn’t sure if anyone here’s got any tips or suggestions if that’s the case? Flying US domestic btw thanks.