Travelling w/ Insulin Bag


10+ Year Member
Ive seen a few members talk about using an insulin bag to travel with their AAS. I was thinking about trying this since you could conceivably take needles and syringes with me (I'll be doing 2 weeks of travelling at the end of the month).

Has anyone actually used an insulin bag to travel? Did you have any problems? Did you have an Rx? How big are your balls? Thanks.

*If I do this I plan on having a full kit. Testing strips, glucose meter, etc.
Yes I have I take it to work and have no issues. Though I am from Europe not US so the culture is different. If you walk in with huge traps and arms and skinny waist then put your insulin bag down on your desk you may get raised eyebrows is all I mean

Balls are not so big atm as I haven't had my hcg for a week
I have a trt script so I have several vials if you catch my drift and take extra syringes in my carry on. Been through tsa 3 times recently and never a problem. I did get flagged because they said no liquids in bag and I had kids Tylenol when my bag went through X-ray. They checked the kids Tylenol through another machine to check if it had rec drugs in it quickly. Never even bothered or asked a question bout the test. Just giving you my latest dealings. Good luck
I don't know if you have steal toe boots or if everything Is carry on but I put my stuff in a small baggy with cotton balls around it then shoved them in the front of my steal toe boots as there's a metal shank under and the steal covering over so even if it goes through a second screening process nothing shows on the screen that could warrant them to tear open my bag.
I've used an insulin bag to bring a bunch of vials/needles/syringes within the states and abroad. At least 20x

I take all the labels off the vials. And put in checked luggage.

I'm not on trt

If I go abroad I only bring enough for that trip cause I don't like traveling back into the states w gear.