Treatment for Permanent Skin Damage caused by Roaccuatane.

Hi guys, I’m abusing the shit out of this forum currently but it’s filled with tons of intelligent people and there are a few things I would like advice on.

If I’m being an annoying Annie just tell me.

So when I was 16 I got extremely bad cystic acne, I mean it was quite bad so my doctor prescribed me 80mg of roaccutane to take everyday, which was I believe 4 of them red and white pills?

So I took these pills for 6 months like I was told and he said to expect side effects as they was no way around them.

My lips got so fucking dry I could literally peel them off, I was so self conscious about it, I’m going to be extremely blunt it was if I had skin cancer or something.

My hair completely dried out and became brittle and still is to this day.

My skin from the neck upwards has lost all its pigment and I’m left with this pale white complexion that looks disguisting. The skin is also extremely dry and has been since I took these pills 12 years ago.

My ethnicity is half white and half Middle Eastern. The rest of my body is of olive skin tone except for my neck upwards. It looks very strange as if I am extremely I’ll or something.

I went back to the doctor like 10 times and all he gives me is this moisturiser which doesn’t really do anything, I asked is there anything else he can do and he said no.

I’m gonna cut it short here, I know a lot of people who took AAS have had experiences with roaccutane and I’m just curious if there are any other drugs or remedies out there that can “undo” the damage that roaccutane has caused.

Ironically I miss my oily skin and hair because to be honest your body needs it for lubrication.

So can any wise man or woman care to help me out?

Thanks everyone.