Tren and Stomach pain/acid

Did tren increase your stomach acid or hurt your stomach?

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Hi All,
I just came off having gastritis and now am finally done with all anti acids after a year or so with it and im thinking about starting tren for 2weeks on 4 week off cycle. I was wondering how many of you noticed an increase in stomach acid?
I was wandering this same thing cause I've had stomach acid symptoms since I've started my cycle. I think it does, but I haven't done any research on it...
Im trying another run of tren, will start 25mg ed. Will hope i have less sides and will run longer. Planing on cardarine for cardio help
I would love to run tren but everywhere I look and read I find more and more reasons not to. I mean I get heartburn from everything bananas, pbnj, gatorade, and infinitum lol It would he a living hell to take something that makes it worse
I would love to run tren but everywhere I look and read I find more and more reasons not to. I mean I get heartburn from everything bananas, pbnj, gatorade, and infinitum lol It would he a living hell to take something that makes it worse
Reason why i will cycle it again and go as low as 25mg ed. No need for more let the drug work and eat and train.. On a low dose i will sleep.. 50mg ed forget it i go to bed at 9pm and its 3 am immstill wode awake
Hi All,
I just came off having gastritis and now am finally done with all anti acids after a year or so with it and im thinking about starting tren for 2weeks on 4 week off cycle. I was wondering how many of you noticed an increase in stomach acid? will cause bad indigestion.
It is one of the first sides that kicks in for me and the last to leave....but thats at 75 to 100 mg/day for me.
Lower doses still cause it but its more manageable.
Man I love Tren. I see no reason to take another compound ever, beside Test. It's so versatile. Truly nectar of the Gods. If you can't handle a little heart burn, and or figure out how to tweak your diet or add some tums, your mortal ass isn't ready for the God compound!

That's the tren speaking through me, I'm just a mere vessel.
I had a little heart burn maybe twice while sleeping on stomach. I took a zantac and went back to bed. I have a cast iron stomach luckily. If tren gave me constant heartburn, I'd find something else to run. My quality of life is more important than a few gains.
Use an antacid or prilosec. I use to have problems with reflex, especially while using oral AAS. As far as Tren, I can't say that that AAS has caused more problems than most others I have used. That is not to say that it isn't a problem for you.
well i mean i just got of prilosec ( and btw that stuff is not good for you at all, i suggest to everyone to get off it) so i rather not have to take another anti-acid. Do you think NPP would still work for a 2 week on, 4 week off? i may still try tren with NPP at like 25/mg and just see how bad the indigestion is. Also lets say you took it monday, if you didnt does Tuesday would your stomach be ok? i just dont want to uffer/damage my stomach for days after an initial dose.
Hi All,
I just came off having gastritis and now am finally done with all anti acids after a year or so with it and im thinking about starting tren for 2weeks on 4 week off cycle. I was wondering how many of you noticed an increase in stomach acid?

Op, tren gave me insane acid indigestion, still have it even 2 months after being off of it. Ranitidine has saved my life but it's finally getting better
I am expirencing symptoms of gastritis. I am on prilosec carafate and zofran for the nausea. Did you figure out the cause of gastritis for you? What did you do to cure it? I've been nauseous for two weeks now and I am getting tired of it.
zantac to get rid of extreme cases, especially when going to bed at night, and stay on omeprazole 24/7. Do not forget to take it. Ever. If it isn't enough, just use zantac as needed
Man I love Tren. I see no reason to take another compound ever, beside Test. It's so versatile. Truly nectar of the Gods. If you can't handle a little heart burn, and or figure out how to tweak your diet or add some tums, your mortal ass isn't ready for the God compound!

That's the tren speaking through me, I'm just a mere vessel.
I'm starting tren Monday and your post gave me a boost.
ok after all the reviews no tren for me! rather not have to anti-acids as they just arent good for the gut or digestive system especially PPI's. Falltroy my gastritis was caused by taking a prohormone in the morning on an empty stomach with coffee and aspirin for a couple weeks....not a good combo haha.I actually was on prilosec for a year and finally got off , took a while though as it has a rebound and also i believe since it lowers stomach PH, it disrupts bacteria in your gut which in itself can cause inflammation. Also i would get checked for H.prylori, its usually the number one cause of ulcers/gastritis.