Tren Recomp Cycle

perhaps thats it.

Amlodipine - LiverTox - NCBI Bookshelf

"Amlodipine besylate is a second generation calcium channel blocker that is used in the therapy of hypertension and angina pectoris. Amlodipine has been linked to a low rate of serum enzyme elevations during therapy and to rare instances of clinically apparent acute liver injury."

A possible increase in liver enzymes due to amlodipine: A case report Amlodipine-Induced Liver Injury

To answer your question:

I would run 250-300 test, 200-300 mast/primo and 100-200 tren

Sometimes you have to filter out statistical "noise". I'm very cautious, but 4 cases, filled with lots of "maybe" "probably" and connections made from observation and little else.

27 years of use. 70 *million* daily users currently in the US alone. 4 very shaky connections made to liver issues.

To put this in perspective, there are approx 7,000 deaths a year attributed to daily asprin/motrin use in the US.


You're far more likely to die getting an infected paper cut from the drugstore bag than a liver injury from amlodipine.
yeah i agree, also incase you didnt read back in this thread
Sometimes you have to filter out statistical "noise". I'm very cautious, but 4 cases, filled with lots of "maybe" "probably" and connections made from observation and little else.

27 years of use. 70 *million* daily users currently in the US alone. 4 very shaky connections made to liver issues.

To put this in perspective, there are approx 7,000 deaths a year attributed to daily asprin/motrin use in the US.

View attachment 287892

You're far more likely to die getting an infected paper cut from the drugstore bag than a liver injury from amlodipine.
yeah i agree, incase you didnt read back in this thread, in this thread this gu seems to be one of these cases with 1000+ alt and claims the only thing he changed is this CCB
yeah i agree, also incase you didnt read back in this thread

yeah i agree, incase you didnt read back in this thread, in this thread this gu seems to be one of these cases with 1000+ alt and claims the only thing he changed is this CCB

Kinda hard to miss a connection between a drug with a history of over a *billion* users, most of whom are on the older side and under active medical care, getting regular bloodwork, over decades, and hepatoxicity, vs, no disrespect intended, a guy on hardcore UGL gear and exposed to who knows what else from a shady lab, intentionally or unknown even to him.

Does it really sound likely we've just uncovered hepatoxicity in Amlodipine here? It's ludicrous.
I am
How many cycles have you done before, and what compounds/dosages?

Option 1 looks good but if you're new to cycling tren probably isn't advised
I am on my third cycle and still not feeling anywhere close to being ready for Tren. Its too much of an impedement on daily life from what I hear.
I am

I am on my third cycle and still not feeling anywhere close to being ready for Tren. Its too much of an impedement on daily life from what I hear.
Yeah the sides are nasty. I probably wouldn't reccomend it honestly. Once you come off you look back at the cycle like "wtf was I thinking running tren"

The aggression/irritability, the lipids damage, the shitty sleep. Can affect personal relationships and work relationships too if you're not careful, plus it destroys your cardio. Yeah the gains are wild, but you're trading gains for a lot of sides. It's not a feel good cycle at all.

I came off it a few weeks ago and it's kind of been a breath of fresh air. Enjoying just test/eq right now, and sleeping like a baby again
Kinda hard to miss a connection between a drug with a history of over a *billion* users, most of whom are on the older side and under active medical care, getting regular bloodwork, over decades, and hepatoxicity, vs, no disrespect intended, a guy on hardcore UGL gear and exposed to who knows what else from a shady lab, intentionally or unknown even to him.

Does it really sound likely we've just uncovered hepatoxicity in Amlodipine here? It's ludicrous.
So just trying to narrow down the cause. Maybe bad tren or primo? I got it from a source in here. Not sure if I can say the name in this thread.
So just trying to narrow down the cause. Maybe bad tren or primo? I got it from a source in here. Not sure if I can say the name in this thread.

The problem for all of us on gear and ancillaries is "polypharmacy".

I was just thinking that while I feel great, it's going to be hard as hell to troubleshoot any problems that arise.

For one, a drug causing no issues for years could start being a problem. Or you add something new but it's not that, it's something else but it just started being a problem around the same time.

I'm especially concerned about liver enzymes in that regard, because so much can trigger that. I just discovered there's a small chance my ketaconazole shampoo could interact with another drug I'm taking and cause elevated liver enzymes.

I would go down to the minimum number of substances I could tolerate, at the lowest dose you can get away with, test often for a few months to see if things are moving in the right direction, then add things back one by one giving each a month and testing again to see if that's the issue.
Stuck between option 1 and 2 for a recomp. The only reason option 1 is in the picture is to use the primo to reduce aromatization and because I have some primo laying around. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Option 1:
200 mg test
200 mg primo
300 mg tren

Option 2:
200 mg test
300 mg tren
Love how just because you’re asking a question people are assuming you’re new to tren… shits annoying