

New Member
What's up everyone. I needed some advice on my 10 week current cycle. I'm on week 4 and this is what my cycle looks like....
wks 1-10...100mg test prop and 100mg tren ace blend EOD
wks 1-10...100mcg clen (2 wks on, 2 wks off, etc)
wks 1-6...100mcg T3
I've been getting some alright results (not quite where i'd like them to be) but i've been thinking of extending my cycle to 15-20 wks and raising up a bit. Would it be alright to bump the test and tren to 75 or 100mg ED possibly add some dbol? What do you guys think?
I thought i'd be dropping fat like crazy too....from what i've heard from everyone on here. As for my diet...i haven't been counting calories or anything...i just cut back on the amount food i've been eating and cut back on the carbs and fats. As for my cardio...i've been doing moderate cardio 2-3 times per week. I wish i'd be doing more but it's hard to work all day, then lift, and then do cardio. I'm a little dissappointed about the cycle...i really thought i would have lost more fat than i have. Regardless i change my cycle or not, i'm gonna cut back on my carbs and fats more and start doing more cardio per week.
Brien69 said:
What's up everyone. I needed some advice on my 10 week current cycle. I'm on week 4 and this is what my cycle looks like....
wks 1-10...100mg test prop and 100mg tren ace blend EOD
wks 1-10...100mcg clen (2 wks on, 2 wks off, etc)
wks 1-6...100mcg T3
I've been getting some alright results (not quite where i'd like them to be) but i've been thinking of extending my cycle to 15-20 wks and raising up a bit. Would it be alright to bump the test and tren to 75 or 100mg ED possibly add some dbol? What do you guys think?

75 and 100/ed sounds good to me. 16 weeks is the most I'd do. Winny would be better than dbol IMO when it comes to tren since they work synergistically.
lollipops said:
I would not use tren for ten weeks. It made me miserable. I suggest 6 weeks, 8 weeks max. good luck

why did tren make you miserable? are you talking about mental sides like depression or physical sides like night sweats?
I ran a straight Clen/T3 cycle and lost 48lbs so if you're not losing there is defintiely something wrong. I just finished my 3rd week of a 16 week cycle and I started with Test E/Clen/T3/Anavar. I dropped fat and got extremely hardened up. I'll be running Test E/Tren/Clen/T3/Winny around week 12. I ate low carb, lifted Mon-Tue-Thur-Fri and did 20 minutes of Cardio along with ab & oblique work on Wed-Sat-Sun.
I don't like the way you're running the T3. I didn't see you mention cycling that at all and 10 weeks on it is a LONG time. Look in the members pics section for my 5 month Before/After thread if you're wondering how I ran it. Good luck with the cycle and I hope you hit your goals.
I'm running the T3 for only 6 weeks...ramping it up and then down. I know the t3 legit because it's straight from mexico and i know the clen legit because when i first started taking it i got all the side effects...night sweets, shacky hands, anxiousity, etc. The tren and test blend is from a source that's commonly used here on this board.
I just don't get how all this hasn't made me drop fat like everyone says it does. Just out of curiousity...would you still drop fat off this cycle if you weren't dieting and doing cardio. The only reason i want to know is so i can get a feel for how much i should be losing. Thanks for all the input so far.
Dude, gear is not a magic pill!
Your diet is OBVIOUSLY off and you are most likely not doing enough cardio.
Simple as that.
Magic pill? I think muscle-tech makes those :D
But, I agree w/ lolokoss, Gear is only %10 or less, everything else is Diet and Training. Oh and sleep.

The Ninja
diet is everything.
Get the diet down, if you need a chart for the clen an t3 i woul dbe happy to help you.
Also the dbol is killing you, trash it.
What are you talking about synergystically?
Dbol would be just as synergystic as winstrol.

Tren is a class 2 steroid
Dbol and winny are class 1

thats synergy right there.
Maybe you were thinking that winstrol might negate some side effects because of it fitting in the progesterone receptor, which is only speculation.

Original poster - please post stats, training history. Also you need to focus only on fat loss here, you wont be gaining muscle with resticted cals and high cardio which should be the most important part of this fat loss cycle.
IMO Test is fine for libido purposes, but are you using and anti estrogen, maybe too much estrogen is blocking fat loss.
Also Tren has too many sides to use it for mass maintence, I would have went with EQ or better yet Primo. Thats just injectables anavar would be better as an anticatablic IMO.

iamdwalrus said:
75 and 100/ed sounds good to me. 16 weeks is the most I'd do. Winny would be better than dbol IMO when it comes to tren since they work synergistically.
sev1512 said:
What are you talking about synergystically?
Dbol would be just as synergystic as winstrol.

Tren is a class 2 steroid
Dbol and winny are class 1

thats synergy right there.
Maybe you were thinking that winstrol might negate some side effects because of it fitting in the progesterone receptor, which is only speculation.

Original poster - please post stats, training history. Also you need to focus only on fat loss here, you wont be gaining muscle with resticted cals and high cardio which should be the most important part of this fat loss cycle.
IMO Test is fine for libido purposes, but are you using and anti estrogen, maybe too much estrogen is blocking fat loss.
Also Tren has too many sides to use it for mass maintence, I would have went with EQ or better yet Primo. Thats just injectables anavar would be better as an anticatablic IMO.

Yeah, all that sounds great in theory................