I used it. As everyone here emphasized, trenbolone is an advanced athlete substance. There is one other very little known beneficial side effect that applies to a minuscule percentage of the population that I will mention later.
First of all, females who react well to tren (and that's the first question: are you willing to test it? Because it is trial and error: I was supervised by three physicians - yes, high performance athletes are supervised) do so in VERY small doses. We used insulin syringes to measure exactly 0.25mg per shot, three times/week. That's 0.75mg.
At this dose, I did not have significant side effects, but I am known (by my physicians) to have atypical reactions to steroids. For example, the most toxic steroid for me is the "innocent" nandrolone (more about that later).
The beneficial side effect that I mentioned applies to certain neurological conditions. Apparently, trenbolone (like mesterolone) has mood stabilizing and neurological stabilizing effects on a class of patients. This is not being researched and a few endocrinologists exchange experiences among them: no research is approved by any ethical committee.
I refrain from giving advice on these issues, but if you are not an extremely high performance power and strength athlete going for the world title or record, I don't see any reason to even try it.
As for me, it was great. But I was going (and got) all those titles and I have a couple of physicians reading all my bloodwork monthly.
Safety first, always.