Triptorelin Side Effects Post 2 Year BnC


New Member
I've been off gear for 8 months after a 2 year blast and cruise. Recovery was slow but I began to feel slightly better over time. Did a 3 month PCT, fast forward to 5 months off gear, I felt decent but still not like my normal self. Energy was around a 7/10, was working out consistently, just had low E2 sides like difficult sleeping, hot flashes, and some irritability.

This was in June:
( Pre gear testosterone was 576ng/dl )

To speed up my recovery and raise E2 levels I decided to take 100mcg of Triptorelin from a reputable source on here.

The triptorelin didn't do anything for my testosterone but it did bring my E2 back up to my pre steroid levels:

However, ever since taking triptorelin I have been experiencing horrible side effects. Joint pain, immense fatigue, intense stomach pain,lack of bowel movement, pale stools, and nausea. I tried psyllium husk to no avail.

It's been 14 weeks since the 100mcg and I still feel worse than before taking the triptorelin. I got tested for Hepatitis C which came back negative, an ultrasound for my liver, gallbladder, and kidneys, which all came back normal. Got stool tested for H. Pylori as well which came back negative. Today my doctor ordered bloodwork for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, amylase, lipase, LFTs, and CBC. I will update you guys when I receive the bloodwork.

Maybe the triptorelin was contaminated and is now causing heavy metal toxicity?

Does anybody have an idea on what could be causing these symptoms?
Most recent bloodwork 2 weeks ago:
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I can`t see how your problems could be related to the triptoreline. There is probably an other underlying issue. You should defenetly get your thyroid checked I think.
I can`t see how your problems could be related to the triptoreline. There is probably an other underlying issue. You should defenetly get your thyroid checked I think.

Thyroid labs came back normal :( Is it possible that triptorelin messed up my digestion?
Why not ask your doctor? even if you caused it by aas or something like that. They would still want to help you. In my country there is even a national steroids hospital that are the experts in these kind of things.Or is that difficult due to (us?) Healthcare system
Why not ask your doctor? even if you caused it by aas or something like that. They would still want to help you. In my country there is even a national steroids hospital that are the experts in these kind of things.Or is that difficult due to (us?) Healthcare system
I did ask my doctor. He referred me to a GI specialist which I have to wait until next month to see. There is no national steroids hospital that I am aware of in the US.
I've been off gear for 8 months after a 2 year blast and cruise. Recovery was slow but I began to feel slightly better over time. Did a 3 month PCT, fast forward to 5 months off gear, I felt decent but still not like my normal self. Energy was around a 7/10, was working out consistently, just had low E2 sides like difficult sleeping, hot flashes, and some irritability.

This was in June:
( Pre gear testosterone was 576ng/dl )

To speed up my recovery and raise E2 levels I decided to take 100mcg of Triptorelin from a reputable source on here.

The triptorelin didn't do anything for my testosterone but it did bring my E2 back up to my pre steroid levels:

However, ever since taking triptorelin I have been experiencing horrible side effects. Joint pain, immense fatigue, intense stomach pain,lack of bowel movement, pale stools, and nausea. I tried psyllium husk to no avail.

It's been 14 weeks since the 100mcg and I still feel worse than before taking the triptorelin. I got tested for Hepatitis C which came back negative, an ultrasound for my liver, gallbladder, and kidneys, which all came back normal. Got stool tested for H. Pylori as well which came back negative. Today my doctor ordered bloodwork for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, amylase, lipase, LFTs, and CBC. I will update you guys when I receive the bloodwork.

Maybe the triptorelin was contaminated and is now causing heavy metal toxicity?

Does anybody have an idea on what could be causing these symptoms?
Most recent bloodwork 2 weeks ago:

Damn dude, I have no experience with that compound and can’t offer any help, but I wanted to wish you good luck!
Damn dude, I have no experience with that compound and can’t offer any help, but I wanted to wish you good luck!

Thanks a lot bro. I ordered some serms to see if maybe the trip threw off my hormonal balance that can be restored through nolva or clomid.
Your liver enzymes are sky high, I’m betting all this is related to pre work our drinks or some supplements you are using...
Your liver enzymes are sky high, I’m betting all this is related to pre work our drinks or some supplements you are using...

I don't take any pre workout drinks. Only one cup of coffee a day. I have an appointment with a GI specialist next week. Also have some serms on the way to see if the tripotrelin may have disrupted my hpta axis (low pregnenolone). Also just got tested for heavy metal toxicity.

Will keep you guys updated. It's crazy how my levels look better than they were in June but I feel worse :( hope I can figure this out.
I don't take any pre workout drinks. Only one cup of coffee a day. I have an appointment with a GI specialist next week. Also have some serms on the way to see if the tripotrelin may have disrupted my hpta axis (low pregnenolone). Also just got tested for heavy metal toxicity.

Will keep you guys updated. It's crazy how my levels look better than they were in June but I feel worse :( hope I can figure this out.

Any update for us?
Any update for us?
Hey, so in the past 5 months I've had "moments" where I felt much better.
First moment was back in November when I hopped back on test. Had much more energy, less stomach pain, better digestion, only did one shot. Felt good for 2 months up until I got a ct scan on my abdomen to check for any abnormalities. I got this test because I was feeling better not still not 100%
The ct scan threw my system out of whack again then back to square one.
I then tried test two months after again and boom I felt better again. I noticed that I only felt better on very high test.

Also had an experience about a month ago where I took high dose fish oil and felt better for about 3-4 days before the symptoms came back.
I am now suspecting that my SHBG is what is causing the high estrogen symptoms, and elevated liver enzymes. Hence why I only feel better on high test. It alters the test to estrogen ratio and I feel better. Natural testosterone isn't an issue as my levels came back normal. I suspect that it may be high SHBG. I will be trying very small doses of proviron to get my shbg down and we'll see what happens.

Edit: I got a colonoscopy as well. Gi said my gi tract looks fine apart from minor gastritis. Ct scan came back fine as well.
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Hey, so in the past 5 months I've had "moments" where I felt much better.
First moment was back in November when I hopped back on test. Had much more energy, less stomach pain, better digestion, only did one shot. Felt good for 2 months up until I got a ct scan on my abdomen to check for any abnormalities. I got this test because I was feeling better not still not 100%
The ct scan threw my system out of whack again then back to square one.
I then tried test two months after again and boom I felt better again. I noticed that I only felt better on very high test.

Also had an experience about a month ago where I took high dose fish oil and felt better for about 3-4 days before the symptoms came back.
I am now suspecting that my SHBG is what is causing the high estrogen symptoms, and elevated liver enzymes. Hence why I only feel better on high test. It alters the test to estrogen ratio and I feel better. Natural testosterone isn't an issue as my levels came back normal. I suspect that it may be high SHBG. I will be trying very small doses of proviron to get my shbg down and we'll see what happens.

Edit: I got a colonoscopy as well. Gi said my gi tract looks fine apart from minor gastritis. Ct scan came back fine as well.
What do you define as high test? So your back on trt?
What do you define as high test? So your back on trt?
Around or above 1200ng/dl. I am currently not on trt as I'm trying to figure out what is really causing the symptoms. The goal is to be without trt. I only tried it out of desperation and it worked for sure. But there has to be an underlying cause. My natural testosterone levels are fine, similar to pre gear levels. Will be getting a thorough adrenal check tomorrow. Tonight I will take my first small dose of proviron.
Around or above 1200ng/dl. I am currently not on trt as I'm trying to figure out what is really causing the symptoms. The goal is to be without trt. I only tried it out of desperation and it worked for sure. But there has to be an underlying cause. My natural testosterone levels are fine, similar to pre gear levels. Will be getting a thorough adrenal check tomorrow. Tonight I will take my first small dose of proviron.
Good luck. Have you tried kisspeptin 10?
I did and it did nothing for me. Only thing that got my LH above zero was lupron once every 3 weeks. Got my LH to .7 and then gave up. Seems like most get back on trt,,, but best of luck, keep us posted