TriTren/Test C/Mast - Advise ???


New Member
Hello everyone !!! I am having this thread in my head since some months . I was also surfing the net for the past months so much . I want finally to try tren . I feel ready for it . I will go with the TriTren mostly of the price issue , To go with the same dose of Ace it will cost me double so ... Let it be TriTrenbolone.
1-10 weeks - 400 mgs of TriTre E2D
1-15 weeks - 450 or 600 mgs of Test C
10-15 weeks - 400 mgs of Masteron (not sure if its Enantate )
Standard PCT + Hcg
AnastroZole will be on hand .
So guys ... I have some tweaks about this one still . I will start in September so i have plenty of time to prepare my gear.
1. With what u would kick start ??? I don't want any water ...normally ... :) Anavar ??? Sounds to me like the best choice ? Winstrol - too bad for a kicker ? Or I am still thinking about some good old Dbol and to hell with the water retention .
2. 450 vs 600 mgs. Of Test C ???? Is 600 gonna bloat too much ? Never went so high before ? I would like to go with 600 mgs this time though .
3 . And here it comes what is bothering me . It is supposed to be a lean mas builder cycle and i want to harden in the end ... So ... How do u find the mast from 10-15 ( I prefer to run 15 weeks yes ) as i am not always on and off ... I take more rest between cycles . Before my last Deca and Test it passed more than an year . I m currently finishing PCT .
4.Anything else i miss ??? I want to start ordering from the beggining of July so .... I want my things and thoughts clear by then . Cheers , mates and thanks for your inputs in advance !!!
My stats are 26 y.o. , 200 lbs , around 15 % bf . I am already running twice a week so i am planning on dropping around 15 lbs or may be 20 if possible and start very lean in September . Press 250 lbs for 4 reps. I am training steady for the last 10 years : fitness , swimming , volleyball etc .
if yo urun 600+ test and are worried about water retention, either avoid the dbol kicker or take an aggressive approach to using an AI. or use another oral, ive never used anavar, sounds good, although the gains are allegedly much slower.

also doesnt the tri tren have tren hexawhatever in it? for your first run maybe thats not a great plan. IF you have bad sides your going to have them for quite some time. you mentioned the cost, dont forget that you ought to have something on hand to combat the progesterone sides and it seems you really better have it if you have a really long ester like that.

thats just 2 cents from a novice!
You mean Cabergoline ??? If I need ? Yes , that's why I am asking now cause i want to have everything prepared perfect till September . It's going to be my first Real Big cycle :) Finally i am able to train all year around cause i changed fully my job and working schedule !
i dont know about winny as a kicker, maybe others will chime in here.

Glad you got a different work situation, during the summer its a constant battle to keep any gains-natural or SUPERnatural, for myself.

edit: what SJ says below makes a ton of sense to me.
In my opinion I would use winny at the end of the cycle. If you kickstart it and get joint pain you'll be fucked for a good part of the cycle.
So the only option left for a lean start is Var . And I am going to run already Masteron for the weeks 10-15 ... Seems at least to me it would be a bit too much to handle .
i think var is fine, you just wont get crazy big (from water), but from all ive heard its nice lean gains, a good start to a cutting cycle. expensive stuff though.
I was wondering if i can find some caber here in the pharmacies in Europe ... My dealer of gear is not offering it ... Pitty that the doctor is not a friend of mine so he can prescribe it . So all in all you guys say it looks good . I think it is going to big a good one especially with the Masteron in the end . I am going to run the adex 1/2 pill e3d . If i start feeling bloat i will switch to e2d . People who can work and train sometimes really doesn't realize how lucky they are :) It is such a shit to work all the summer like a dog so that you can pass through the winter . What happens when you live on an island and everything is tourism and only for the summer :)
I don't think var is your best choice for the front of the cycle since you want to harden at the end. You could kick off with Tbol instead of Dbol if you want less bloat.

Also, if I were going to run this cycle I would structure it in such a way that the Mast and Tren are run together as opposed to Tren then Mast. But that's just me.
That's the sense of the cycle man . As i am going to expirience with some new drugs to me i want them for separate . And also i think i will cut off some cals when i add the mast. I also prefer to run it longer , that's why 10 weeks tren and 5 mast . Why you would prefer to run them together ???
That's the sense of the cycle man . As i am going to expirience with some new drugs to me i want them for separate . And also i think i will cut off some cals when i add the mast. I also prefer to run it longer , that's why 10 weeks tren and 5 mast . Why you would prefer to run them together ???

I guess because it's sort of a well established cut stack and I have the impression they work well together. But I like your line of thinking in getting a feel for each drug independently. The more I think about it the more I like the way you are doing it. :)

I'm doing something very similar right now. I started with Test E/Dbol but was careful not to add fat. Sort of a lean bulk. Now I'm running Test E/Tren E to lean out. I left out Mast because this is my first run with Tren and I wanted to get a feel for it. I'm thinking of adding in Mast at the end once I get a feel for the Tren but I might just save it for another day.
Why not run it in the end ? I don't see a reason :) I prefer to do it like this . I don't mind the money i will spend ( i do but ) I want quality this time . I am not cycling on and off always . More like only once a year so ... 300 € a year for gear is not so much . I recently got married and i promised my wife to not do it more than once a year :) women , u can't live without them :)
Why not run it in the end ? I don't see a reason :) I prefer to do it like this . I don't mind the money i will spend ( i do but ) I want quality this time . I am not cycling on and off always . More like only once a year so ... 300 € a year for gear is not so much . I recently got married and i promised my wife to not do it more than once a year :) women , u can't live without them :)

I might but as Millard and others have pointed out, in my Tren thread, I've been running this cycle pretty long now and have made considerable gains. And any additional drugs at this point are not likely to give their full benefits.
I was thinking it would be much clever to use sustanon and not Enantate or cypionate , i am going to pin anyway every 2nd day so ... The sust is going to kick in earlier cause of the prop in it.
Forget this lean bulk frame of mind, guys try taking this approach all the time and it never works as they hoped. If 400mg of tren every 2 days is what you mean in your post, thats WAY, WAY, WAY too high. Maybe you meant 400mg/wk and injecting every 2 days to get to 400mg/wk and I read that wrong? As for your test dosage, yes expect some water retention on that. I personally would not use masteron with that level of cyp, I'd either use prop instead at 4-600mg/wk or opt for a lower dose of cyp, more like 2-300mg/wk keeping my tren on par with the test dose. Anavar is good, but again with the test cyp your just not going to get all the benefits of the look anavar can give you b/ the shit is going to be covered up with water weight. The masteron wont give you shit if your bodyfat is at 15%, you wont see anything from it. If I were in your shoes this is how I'd do things. I'd diet down to single digit bodyfat BEFORE my cycle started. Then use anavar throughout and masteron throughout also. I'd take an approach of staying as lean as I could, but willing to accept a 2-3% bf increase, but still lean enough to see the benefits of all the compounds of the cycle, especially the masteron. Not taking the last 5 wks to try and "harden my gains" by this time its not going to happen, the water weight from the cyp alone will take a month to fall off. Anti e's are overrated, guys think that just because they run some nolvadex or arimadex with the cycle that everything is going to be lean gains, but I've been in the game long enough to know that is utter bullshit. They help to such a small degree you cant even add them to a fraction of the equation. This is how I run it myself

1- take 6 wks to get my bodyfat into single digit before my stack
2- test cyp @ 300mg/wk shot once/wk
3- anavar at 60mg/day throughout cycle
4- tren @ 300mg wk, shooting 150mg 2x/wk (its hex, you can go twice wk, not eod like acetate)
5- masteron at 3-500mg/wk throughout

I'd shoot mon/wed/fri, monday is 1.5 cc's tren hex mixed with 1.25 cc's masteron, wed is 1.25-1.5 cc's test cyp mixed with 1.25 cc masteron, fri is 1.5cc's tren hex mixed with 1.25 cc masteron, anavar is taken daily at 60mg/day. This would be the most convenient way to run this stack IMO. Mon/wed/fri shots. If you were to use prop in place of cyp then I'd just do 1cc of prop on mon/wed/fri with your other compounds, but the cyp can inject once weekly. Also, 300mg/wk prop is about the equivelant of 4-500mg/wk cyp, alot of guys dont know that. Because the ester is released faster, more of the test gets to the muscle cell receptors before its broken down by the body. Guys think because they shoot 500mg/wk cyp that they are getting 500mg/wk cyp, but in reality they can probably call it 350mg/wk cyp. Your gonna get a harder look keeping that test lower, just keep it on par with the tren dose and you'll be ok. As for tren, anything over 300mg/wk is a fucking waste IMO. You can do everything you wanna do on 300mg/wk tren and a good diet!!!
Hello , Demondosage !!! I am sorry for the late response , i have t seen your msg . So , i think you aimed very , very accurate . I mean , i we wondering very much if its a good idea to go with 600 mgs weekly or test c ( yes , the dosages are weekly , not in a single shot ) I am still waiting for the first part of my gear . So i am wondering to change the cyp for some sust and the last 2 weeks switch to propionate , 400 weekly . Did you meant to run the var and the mast through all the 15 weeks or ??? I would run probably 5-6 first weeks of var and mast the last 10 weeks ( or 8 if i follow the 12 week ccycle protocol ) And yes , I m cutting on everything possible since 2 months . I m dropping like 1.5 lbs a week , running in the weekends , so i think till September i will be pretty lean . I am not going to hurry with this cycle cause i want some serious results . I m also waiting for some clen and t3 to run the last 3 weeks before the Cycle ! Waiting for your input . Thanks !