trt and fsh levels

Regular Joe

Well-known Member
What do you guys consider being shut down? I've seen many people on here and other places say that once you add test, even a low dose you shut yourself down. When I went to a trt clinic a few years ago the "doctor" said that my fsh was still good so he wanted to keep my test dosage low to keep the fsh up. He said that as long as we kept some activity my natural levels would return relatively quick and easy if I stopped taking test.

I was on 100mg a week then and my total was only 567 (it was 250ish natural) and I'm now doing 250 a week and my total is 1017, I've been on my current dose for 3 months. My fsh is currently at 2.0, the range is 1.6-8.0, so am I not completely shut down? I know there are other markers that should be checked but it was nice to see if was still in range. I was planning to start more of a blast at some point before a pct but I might cruise here for a while if I'm not completely shutting myself down. Any thoughts?
What do you guys consider being shut down? I've seen many people on here and other places say that once you add test, even a low dose you shut yourself down. When I went to a trt clinic a few years ago the "doctor" said that my fsh was still good so he wanted to keep my test dosage low to keep the fsh up. He said that as long as we kept some activity my natural levels would return relatively quick and easy if I stopped taking test.

I was on 100mg a week then and my total was only 567 (it was 250ish natural) and I'm now doing 250 a week and my total is 1017, I've been on my current dose for 3 months. My fsh is currently at 2.0, the range is 1.6-8.0, so am I not completely shut down? I know there are other markers that should be checked but it was nice to see if was still in range. I was planning to start more of a blast at some point before a pct but I might cruise here for a while if I'm not completely shutting myself down. Any thoughts?
The better question is why you would come off of TRT.
The better question is why you would come off of TRT.
Insurance policy? In case I ever ended up in a situation where I couldn't get test. The 250 my body wants to make may be low but my dick still worked, I know guys that can't clear 100 naturally anymore
Insurance policy? In case I ever ended up in a situation where I couldn't get test. The 250 my body wants to make may be low but my dick still worked, I know guys that can't clear 100 naturally anymore
Well the point of trt is to “replace” the testosterone that you naturally make, there’s been studies that show you can recover after however long, it just takes longer after you’ve been on so long, but really there’s no point stopping TRT because the levels will likely never recover to where they once were at their highest, also as you’re getting older your levels drop on their own, stopping trt seems pointless unless there’s a legit health concern.
Well the point of trt is to “replace” the testosterone that you naturally make, there’s been studies that show you can recover after however long, it just takes longer after you’ve been on so long, but really there’s no point stopping TRT because the levels will likely never recover to where they once were at their highest, also as you’re getting older your levels drop on their own, stopping trt seems pointless unless there’s a legit health concern.
The "you can recover after however long" is the part I was hoping to get input on. I've seen many people have a very hard time recovering. My "doctor" made it sound like when you let your fsh drop to nothing is when you can start doing permanent damage and the longer it stays ultra low the lower your new baseline will be.

As far as the wanting my body to keep making some test and not be completely chemical dependent I guess I'm just weird. My dick works great on viagra, I don't take it every time I fuck, the idea that I would be come chemically dependent on it seems like a bad idea to me but to each their own.
Also the "trt is to replace the testosterone you naturally make" is not how my Dr thought about it. It was more like boosting your test to a higher level without completely shutting you off. I'm not trying to say he was right but I was curious to discuss it
Well those trt doctors give you the same bullshit trt protocol like test-e once every two weeks.

think a lot of them have to get their knowledge up to date.. I think once you inject yourself for long enough (whatever dosage) = shut down
Also the "trt is to replace the testosterone you naturally make" is not how my Dr thought about it. It was more like boosting your test to a higher level without completely shutting you off. I'm not trying to say he was right but I was curious to discuss it
That’s an interesting take on it, is he an endocrinologist, or do you happen to know what field he specializes in? What your describing almost sounds like something that a sports medicine doctor would use as a protocol theory.
The "you can recover after however long" is the part I was hoping to get input on. I've seen many people have a very hard time recovering. My "doctor" made it sound like when you let your fsh drop to nothing is when you can start doing permanent damage and the longer it stays ultra low the lower your new baseline will be.

As far as the wanting my body to keep making some test and not be completely chemical dependent I guess I'm just weird. My dick works great on viagra, I don't take it every time I fuck, the idea that I would be come chemically dependent on it seems like a bad idea to me but to each their own.
I think that the testosterone it self should keep your dick functioning so long as your other hormones aren’t out of whack.
Well those trt doctors give you the same bullshit trt protocol like test-e once every two weeks.

think a lot of them have to get their knowledge up to date.. I think once you inject yourself for long enough (whatever dosage) = shut down
Even if you are naturally making fsh and lh? What is shut down? How do you know if you are?
That’s an interesting take on it, is he an endocrinologist, or do you happen to know what field he specializes in? What your describing almost sounds like something that a sports medicine doctor would use as a protocol theory.
The place is called genemedics, the reason I put doctor in "s was because the guy you talk to is not the guy that has his name on the scripts, I think maybe he's a nurse practitioner or something?
The place is called genemedics, the reason I put doctor in "s was because the guy you talk to is not the guy that has his name on the scripts, I think maybe he's a nurse practitioner or something?
Yeah nurse practitioner sounds right, but it still doesn’t explain much on why he wants to prescribe it like that.
Yeah nurse practitioner sounds right, but it still doesn’t explain much on why he wants to prescribe it like that.
I was planning on upping my test dose and trying some npp and or anadrol before going on a proper PCT. I've never done a proper and was curious how high I could get my natural production. After getting my blood and my e2 not being horrible and fsh still functioning some I'm thinking about cruising for a while longer. Was wanting to get others options on keeping fsh functioning and if it matters on recovery like my clinic was implying