PCT = POST cycle therapy

Running clomid or nolvadex while there's still synthetic TT in your body is like paying $$ for sides. It's useless and harmful if anything.

NOW! if you would like to run PCT AFTER stopping the TRT because you were planning to go off TRT, it would definitely be of aid in your attempt to recover your natural TT levels.

Weather that would get you back to what you were before, no clue, it depends on how long you've been on TRT for and your age + genetics.
Hey brother thanks for the info! I just started TRT, but I'm in the over 40 class so I'm on the TRT for life program.

I personally don't think running a PCT would do you any good in that case, HCG if you want to keep your balls up maybe?

Enjoy it though! you're way better off than folks with low TT levels, so don't ever feel bad about being on TRT for life!
Hey Brother thanks for the response. Who or what is Core medical? I was out in TRT through my regular Dr, but I didn't get anything else, should I be asking for something to go along with the Test?
if you live in america, insurance can also cover hcg and arimidex.
Arimidex is used for breastcancer patients and hCG is a fertility drug for women. Insurance companies will look at these drugs and think "WTF is a MALE doing using this? Not covering that shit LOL!"

Very few cover it, most won't.
Is it necessary or recommended to run PCT if you are on TRT?

The TRT folks over at the T-Nation TRT forum (ksman at least) would say yes and my doc would agree.

The PCT in question is more like During Cycle Treatment though: AI of some nature (mine uses Letro) and HCG to keep your nuts from atrophying into undifferentiated lumps of collagen.

As an example I inject Test C once a week for TRT dose, HCG twice a week, and take letro in one dose every two weeks.
Wow! Thank you! That is some great info. I am currently injecting Test C as well once a week for TRT, but you are the first to mention HCG and letro. I guess I will now begin some more research on where to attain a supply so that I can save my nuts! :)
I guess I will now begin some more research on where to attain a supply so that I can save my nuts! :)

If you are DIY TRT instead of script based would say that Pharmacist here seems to usually carry both or arimdex if the Letro ends up a bit harsh. Never ordered from him but that thread is nothing but positive feedback and the stuff is all from actual pharmaceutical companies instead of UGL.
My GP prescribes HCG with TRT therapy (I'm in the US). He has not offered any Adex or similar meds to anyone I know or myself. Several people at my gym go to him. He's fairly progressive. He believes that keeping your natural levels from completely falling off due to synthetic use suppression allows you to need less synthetic and says patients seem to feel better overall with that approach. Insurance will cover the HCG but at a regualr pharmacy it's till outrageously expensive. So he has a compounding pharmacy he sends his patients to save them a ton of money.

I'm on prescribed TRT but like most others that's just a drop in the bucket in relation to all the other gear I throw on top of it. I do use HCG at 500iu a week during heavy cycles myself.
how much are they charging you? Mine is like $30 for 6 weeks worth.
At the compounding pharmacy it's $40 for 5000ius. My first trip to my normal pharmacy was $300 after insurance for a months supply. Umm, how about no.

Doesn't matter, I don't qualify for the script anymore per my GP because my self imposed approach to TRT puts me outside the range he's comfortable with when it comes to the HCG script. So now I have to over pay and ship it in from overseas. How sad is that. Local UGL gear and I have to go outside domestic for PCT stuff. LOL FML.
The TRT folks over at the T-Nation TRT forum (ksman at least) would say yes and my doc would agree.

The PCT in question is more like During Cycle Treatment though: AI of some nature (mine uses Letro) and HCG to keep your nuts from atrophying into undifferentiated lumps of collagen.

As an example I inject Test C once a week for TRT dose, HCG twice a week, and take letro in one dose every two weeks.
That's not pct. just don't want anyone getting confused.