TRT from VA (Veteran Affairs) USA


New Member
Am thinking of getting my TRT from a VA hospital. Thinking of shutting down natural test with my own gear, then going with low levels to get tested at the VA hospital, and get prescribed TRT. How long will the procedure take till I actually start getting trt from the VA? Have you tried this? What was the outcome?
Am thinking of getting my TRT from a VA hospital. Thinking of shutting down natural test with my own gear, then going with low levels to get tested at the VA hospital, and get prescribed TRT. How long will the procedure take till I actually start getting trt from the VA? Have you tried this? What was the outcome?
I thought about doing that, but I don’t want the govt involved in any more of my life than they already are. And I’m willing to bet you’d get kicked off really quick if they found out you were cycling.

Other than that I have no help to offer
Is saving 40 bucks on a bottle of test every couple months worth not being able to blast or run other compounds? Cause id rather just spend the money and not have some va doc up my ass about why mybtest levels seem too high.
I have a family member who legit has low test. VA was the normal pain to work with and did give him TRT… but only androgel

He still gets monitored by VA doc but switched to his own cyp.
Sounds like a bad idea long term...I used to work with va when I did medical billing and they were the worst in terms of getting paid or having to track down the right person only to find out that person quit years ago and didn't leave notes on any accounts etc etc. It's a clusterfuck and not an entity you want to deal.with if you don't have to.