TRT Protocol


New Member
Hi everyone, about to start TRT (Test C 150 mg / week) but curious if I should automatically start the Anastrozole (0.5 mg) and Enclomiphene (25mg) that was prescribed to me?

I’m inclined to just run the Test for a few weeks and then see how I feel + get labs. It’s kind of the reason I requested the non-infused Test C, want to run the test and go from there.

Appreciate any thoughts. Is this common for these clinics to just automatically prescribe the anastrozole/enclomiphene?
Run the Test alone, do bloodwork after 4-5 weeks and see where your E2 is. Dont use it right away.

Put the Clomiphene back and dont touch it during your trt, useless when you use Test anyways
Run the Test alone, do bloodwork after 4-5 weeks and see where your E2 is. Dont use it right away.

Put the Clomiphene back and dont touch it during your trt, useless when you use Test anyways
Thanks for the reply. Whats their reasoning for prescribing it?
Clomiphene basically tells your balls to produce more Test and Sperm and usually used to boost T levels without injecting but given that you got Test E prescribed it will be much more potent, ideally you split your dose and inject every 3 days for even better and stable levels

Running Clomiphene and T at the same time is useless and can be used for post cycle therapy i.e. you hopping of the Test and try to kickstart your own production again
Only run the AI if needed, not everyone aromatises enough to warrant it, so if you take it and you are a low aromatiser, you will end up crashing your E2 and feel worse than you would with low test.

I've been on TRT for just over a year and not needed an AI. 100mg sustanon, split into eod doses, which puts my T at the top end of the reference range (29nmol/L) and E2 at 131pmol/L