TRT/Tren recomp/cut


I am coming off 18w Test/Mast/HGH cycle that started @ 300/w and went up to 500/w each. HGH was 5iu/day I ended with 50 var for the last 4 weeks.

I started at 25% bf and ended up at around 15%. My weight started around 220ish lbs dropped to 200 then pretty much have been hanging around 210 for several weeks. i am 5’10” on a non legs day.

i am getting bloods this week to see how everything is after this last cycle. My E2 was high when I started because of the high bf but as the fat fell off everything calmed down.

My goal is to get down below 10% while maintaining muscle and losing bf.

My plan is to run 180 Test e3d and Tren A pinning ed 210/week.

How long would it be wise to keep the Tren?
I am looking to run 16w+ of this. If i drop the Tren before this recomp ends should i just stay w the Test only or add Primo or Mast to cruise on? I also have Var, Winny, Anadrol & Dbol i could add instead of another injectable.

Would it do any good to add any other injectable to this stack from the beginning? I have Mast&Primo or i could order something. I have never ran Tren so i am taking baby steps

My diet is 45% protein, 35% carbs & 20% fat
My maintenance calories are 2500. Im pretty much eating xlean ground Turkey, chicken, eggs and buffalo for protein. Rice etc for carbs. Avacado & olive oil for fats.

i am open to critiques or suggestions.
Simply out of curiosity, why do you want to be below 10% bodyfat? It can be a bit rough on the body and mind to get that low.

If you're planning on running for 16+ weeks, you're obviously not in a hurry, so why not try running test and primo for about 8 weeks, diet hard, be religious about cardio, and see where that gets you? Primo is, in my experience, very good at muscle retention in a deficit, so you may not need the tren. If you're not satisfied with the results after 8 weeks despite unwaivering dedication, then reassess your options.

Albuterol always helps me when I'm losing fat; you might want to consider that before tren. And this is from someone who REALLY likes tren. I would exhaust other options first.
Well you're just coming off an 18 week cycle, that's 4 1/4 months. Aren't even off yet. You probably want to give your body a break. Not only that but you don't want 8% body fat in January or February.

250 test and 200 primo will maintain your gains and personally I'd say cruise on that at least for a couple months. Might put on a couple lbs of fat but it'll come off easy later while on tren.

Then, if you do the cycle you propose over March/April/May/June you'll probably have the best body on the beach over the summer or at the very least look jacked in a t-shirt and shorts. Mast goes well with tren, especially at sub 12% body fat.
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I second green anime. I would be looking at things like albuterol, yohimbine, green tea extract, long before id look at tren.

If yo want to run tren do it, but if yoir goal is entirely fat loss youd be a bit silly to avoid including typical fat burners id think!

Anyways good luck with whatever you do.
Simply out of curiosity, why do you want to be below 10% bodyfat? It can be a bit rough on the body and mind to get that low.

If you're planning on running for 16+ weeks, you're obviously not in a hurry, so why not try running test and primo for about 8 weeks, diet hard, be religious about cardio, and see where that gets you? Primo is, in my experience, very good at muscle retention in a deficit, so you may not need the tren. If you're not satisfied with the results after 8 weeks despite unwaivering dedication, then reassess your options.

Albuterol always helps me when I'm losing fat; you might want to consider that before tren. And this is from someone who REALLY likes tren. I would exhaust other options first.
I just want to get below 10% then i plan on a fairly clean bulk. I am not going to compete so i am ok with staying sub 15% honestly. I just want to add weight and fat from a lean state until i am at a comfortable level then maintain.
I am 43 so being 250+ monster is not my goal anymore. I have been there and it was fun but i am looking to keep my weight down for health reasons now.

I am not in a hurry for sure. I am doing cardio 5 days a week plus riding my mtb when my schedule allows. I hate the idea of starving myself on a cut so i am just losing weight from my current bf level slowly. I dieted hard to get here so i am giving my mind a break now. I just figured a low dose of tren might help things along alittle more easily.

I currently running test @ 180/w. I was just testing the waters about tren. I have always been curious about using it. It sounds like i should up test a little. Would adding primo really benefit my at such a low dose or would just cruising on test only be a better option? I like @hometeam idea of adding tren in the spring

I forgot to add i just got a bunch of albuterol the other day. Whats a good protocol on using it? My plan was to use right before cardio and then mid day around lunch. I also have yohimbine from bulk supplements i can add in.

Thanks for the advice.
Just to add, i am getting blood drawn today and donating double reds Friday. I will update when i get the results
Primo has a really strong anti-catabolic effect so you'll keep your gains. Then the theoretical anti-e properties...

Most people don't realize how low below 10% bodyfat is. It's almost not compatible with life and so people use PEDs to get there. When people say they're 10% bodyfat they are usually more like 17% unless they really know what they're talking about.
Primo has a really strong anti-catabolic effect so you'll keep your gains. Then the theoretical anti-e properties...

Most people don't realize how low below 10% bodyfat is. It's almost not compatible with life and so people use PEDs to get there. When people say they're 10% bodyfat they are usually more like 17% unless they really know what they're talking about.
I added in Mast on my last cycle when my E2 was high (92 i think) and it helped. I only had to use asin for a week to get the scratchy nipps to go away. Then Mast kept everything settled after that, so for me Mast worked so i assume Primo would do the same.

I have a place in town that does the Bod Pod for bf%. There is no dexa scan in my area so thats my best option to get an accurate bf measurement. I have calipers and i do the J&P 4 point measurement and if my wife is around to help i do the J&P 7 point. I consistently get around 15-16% on both those tests. I understand their limitations but thats all i have atm.
Primo is shit!
Get healthy first on a cruise than blast away. Tren is best for recomp if you handle it good!
It will be hard to recomp from 16% to sub 10% you need a proper cut for that.
Primo is shit!
Get healthy first on a cruise than blast away. Tren is best for recomp if you handle it good!
It will be hard to recomp from 16% to sub 10% you need a proper cut for that.
i hear you, i just need to take a break mentally from dieting. I was getting to the point were i was craving a bag of snickers not just one! Lol! I dropped from 220+ to 200 in 4 months. I then have slowly went back up to 210 when i got my home gym started and started lifting hard half way thru this cycle. I only have dumbbells/adj bench and bands right now. I have a power rack and 300lbs of bumper weights that i need to put together and build a platform for to really get it going. I just have had limited time because of my kids and business.
Why do you say Primo is shit?
It's not shit, it's simply not as strong as other steroids. It's also much less harsh on the body, and typically has a lot less side effects. Sure, other drugs are stronger, but there's a price that goes along with that. For your purposes, primo will work well, since you're like me, just wanting to retain muscle and lose fat slowly.

Since you have kids and sound like a busy guy, I would highly suggest giving tren use further thought. It has the potential to cause issues at home, and is not healthy. If you decide to use it, protect your heart with blood pressure meds (I use telmisartan and nebivolol) and ubiquinol, and be sure to continue the regular cardio.

As far as albuterol, I would suggest starting with 4 mg in the morning to see how you react. Some people don't like the stimulant effect it gives. It has a short half-life of ~4 h, so it's in and out of the system rather quickly. If you feel like you can up the dose, increase by 2.5 mg in the morning. If you feel you can go up, take 4 mg twice per day. You can titrate up to 12-16 mg/day. If you're taking >6 mg/day for more than 2 weeks, a tolerance (tachyphylaxis) will occur, and you need to either take 0.5-1.0 mg Ketotifen at night, or cycle it 2 weeks on/2 weeks off.
I don’t know why so many people shill primo. Its weak as hell and it’s expensive as hell, It’s also much more commonly faked or underdosed. Don’t listen to these fags OP, Buy some tren ace and download grindr to fuck some trannys. Don’t fuck post-ops though because that’s just gross.
It's not shit, it's simply not as strong as other steroids. It's also much less harsh on the body, and typically has a lot less side effects. Sure, other drugs are stronger, but there's a price that goes along with that. For your purposes, primo will work well, since you're like me, just wanting to retain muscle and lose fat slowly.

Since you have kids and sound like a busy guy, I would highly suggest giving tren use further thought. It has the potential to cause issues at home, and is not healthy. If you decide to use it, protect your heart with blood pressure meds (I use telmisartan and nebivolol) and ubiquinol, and be sure to continue the regular cardio.

As far as albuterol, I would suggest starting with 4 mg in the morning to see how you react. Some people don't like the stimulant effect it gives. It has a short half-life of ~4 h, so it's in and out of the system rather quickly. If you feel like you can up the dose, increase by 2.5 mg in the morning. If you feel you can go up, take 4 mg twice per day. You can titrate up to 12-16 mg/day. If you're taking >6 mg/day for more than 2 weeks, a tolerance (tachyphylaxis) will occur, and you need to either take 0.5-1.0 mg Ketotifen at night, or cycle it 2 weeks on/2 weeks off.
Not true my friend!
You are missing the big picture .
What i mean is primo at 300 mg has less side effects than 300 mg of tren sure its true.
BUT the results differ also!
Lets give an example witch is based on MY experience with both compounds!
So we want to recomp from 15% body fat to 9%.
to do this in 4 months i dont know if its even possible with primo but lets assume it is, we need 800-1000 mg primo because its weak and you will be on slight deficit with high protein or at maintenance calories so making the training and drugs do the work!
Now for the same results we can take tren with the same dose of test( whatever you comfortable)but wee need 8 weeks to do it at 200-250 mg of tren a week!
Now i have done both and had no side efects on tren and recomped great even with small cheats here and there.
I did the primo also for 6 moths att 600-800 recomped less , lost half my hair , lipids as bad as on small dose tren , black spots on my shoulders and i had to be very strict with diet and still results where the same as if i would have run more test with proviron .
So yeah time wise , results , price , side effects wise not worth it !
Unless on cruise with low dose primo that wont affects bloods, hair etc.
What was your personal experience with this compounds that you suggest he recomp from 15 to sub 10 with primo?
Not true my friend!
You are missing the big picture .
What i mean is primo at 300 mg has less side effects than 300 mg of tren sure its true.
BUT the results differ also!
Lets give an example witch is based on MY experience with both compounds!
So we want to recomp from 15% body fat to 9%.
to do this in 4 months i dont know if its even possible with primo but lets assume it is, we need 800-1000 mg primo because its weak and you will be on slight deficit with high protein or at maintenance calories so making the training and drugs do the work!
Now for the same results we can take tren with the same dose of test( whatever you comfortable)but wee need 8 weeks to do it at 200-250 mg of tren a week!
Now i have done both and had no side efects on tren and recomped great even with small cheats here and there.
I did the primo also for 6 moths att 600-800 recomped less , lost half my hair , lipids as bad as on small dose tren , black spots on my shoulders and i had to be very strict with diet and still results where the same as if i would have run more test with proviron .
So yeah time wise , results , price , side effects wise not worth it !
Unless on cruise with low dose primo that wont affects bloods, hair etc.
What was your personal experience with this compounds that you suggest he recomp from 15 to sub 10 with primo?
There's a lot of issues with this, man. If 800-1000 mg of primo is needed, then something is wrong. That dose is unnecessary for his goals.

You're also considering only the visible side effects (such as hair loss, acne, etc.), when, in reality, there is a much more going on in the body. Primo, as far as we know, does not have the deleterious effects for which tren is known (cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity, etc.). Even small doses of tren are very harsh on the body, whereas primo does not have these effects.

Nowhere did I say to NOT use tren. I personally love the stuff (too much). I simply suggested to weigh the risks. He is also not in a hurry which means that he does not need to resort to harsh compounds. Of course tren would be a shortcut, but is it worth the damage?
There's a lot of issues with this, man. If 800-1000 mg of primo is needed, then something is wrong. That dose is unnecessary for his goals.

You're also considering only the visible side effects (such as hair loss, acne, etc.), when, in reality, there is a much more going on in the body. Primo, as far as we know, does not have the deleterious effects for which tren is known (cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity, etc.). Even small doses of tren are very harsh on the body, whereas primo does not have these effects.

Nowhere did I say to NOT use tren. I personally love the stuff (too much). I simply suggested to weigh the risks. He is also not in a hurry which means that he does not need to resort to harsh compounds. Of course tren would be a shortcut, but is it worth the damage?
Yes its worth it without a doubt!
Get in hit it hard and get out.
When he is done with the 2 months on tren and on cruise dose for 3 months already and in good health while at the same time he would still be on primo raising the dose hoping the magic recomp will happen !
On low doses primo recomp is a pipe dream …
Honestly it will depend on what my blood work says if i decide to run Tren. I should know by next week sometime. I will post my results here when i get them.
Finally got blood work back.


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