Trt ?

What were your pre-TRT values?
Did you get tested for Estradiol as well?

IMO HCG+AI works better than TRT unless you have grape-sized balls.
I didn't get estradiol test . I had a random test done by the Doc been off for about a month . i didn't run HCG I did run arimidex and clomid .

Never had per trt values done
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I read the results as being within the normal range. Thus, I don't believe a doc would place you on synthetic replacement testosterone injections. For what it's worth, I thought I wanted to go on TRT a while back. As the reality of injecting at least every week for the rest of my life set in I quickly changed my desire. The expense and pure inconvenience of it all discouraged me. I'll be there one day, but I am trying to put it off as long as I can.
Just was wondering if I have low enough test levels to ask for trt

Oh I see, I got it backwards, I thought you were already on TRT

IMO you ain't that suppressed, so you can still boost your natural T with HCG+AI
but you defly need blood tests

HCG 150 IU 2x/week
Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD (or Letrozole 0.625 mg/week, my personal favorite)
would be a good starting dose

Redraw bloods in a month or two.
I read the results as being within the normal range. Thus, I don't believe a doc would place you on synthetic replacement testosterone injections. For what it's worth, I thought I wanted to go on TRT a while back. As the reality of injecting at least every week for the rest of my life set in I quickly changed my desire. The expense and pure inconvenience of it all discouraged me. I'll be there one day, but I am trying to put it off as long as I can.
I guess I'll just run some HCG. Thanks for the advice makes lots of sense thanks
the things what sucks about this is that when my test levels are at their highest I set the bar pretty high in bed then when they drop to this point. You know how it goes from there . So what i was thinking is to rase them slightly higher