TRT15's comeback log. Full-Blown on Boldenone?


New Member
Mods – please delete my first log – I wanted to organize it a little more appealing. Thank you – will now stay with that one for sure!

Hello fellas & fellitas,

Happy I did find an active bb forum!

My plan ist to do a simple BB-Log to keep track of my progress & get indeas/Input along the way.

I plan to use - Test/Equipoise + HGH/Slin as my main compounds when it comes to PED use.

I will use these compounds mainly. And I will use them in moderate dosages. I just do that stuff for “fun”, so no need to be outrageous.

My goal/aim:
  • 6+kg of lbm after cut which starts 01.07.25
  • Subgoal for now: Get down to 8.5% "while recomp*ing some"

I will update regularly.



  • Funfact – 700mg of Tren are circulating here. Besides Mast/Bold/Test ofc. Did that for the last days/weeks? Can’t remember. 200 would probably have been a better fit for my level. If at all. Yeah. The early twenties – what can I say.
  • So that’s how I looked circa 2017. I was light as a feather there – did not hinder me injecting a shitload of harsh compounds. Did not look bad though – but disappeared completely in anything but a tank-top. Circa 77kg or so. These Pictures do me well. Gave my all – but I think I overdid it not only with the hormones – too much cardio/training/kcal drop to early etc.etc.
Starting Point 15.08.2024


90+ kg, 20%+ bf.

Fat & fluffy. Lots of water – I aromatize considerably even on ed injects of 15mg test. Especially with sust.
Started training regularly the week before taking these pictures. Circa.




  • TRT for the last years, latest was 15mg Sust/ed – so 105/week
  • Never used HGH/Slin before.
  • Wasn’t very heavy before – I do not gain muscle easily unfortunately. More like an athletic build body type. High*ish metabolism – but nice muscle shape/potential generally I would say.
  • Did Sports but no real BB training/food – some martial arts, bike, cardio here and there, gym sometimes 1 time a weeks, sometimes 2, a few weeks of literally 0.
  • Got out of shape/gained a lot of fat: Relationship/Stress/Bad habits
Personal Context

  • Psychology student late twenties
  • Training since/started around 16years old.
  • Cycled back in the day – besides when cutting mostly test. Was semi successful at best. Was serious about hard training and eating a lot of good food – but since I do not have the magical top 5% in terms of bb-genes, that was not enough.
  • Missing the BB-OCD so that’s why I’m back for a ride.
  • BB has been my Therapist all my adolescence. The weights don’t talk, and they are always there for you. And they listen. I need another round of serious therapy, I’m so pumped!
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circa 5 weeks into my cut.

Weight: ~83.5kg


Dropped around 6.5KG since starting. Not only fat. Probably 2-3KG water weight. Already looking much different in real life.

Even though I enjoyed a 1 week holiday in Italy - the belly already disappear completely, thank God.

350mg Bolde/105mg Sust annihilated my e2.

So change of ratio since 2-3days: 175mg Bolde/350mg Sust for the next weeks.
Will do bloods in circa 4-5 weeks.

Dbol for that fast e2 for now - thank god I have them around.. the AI like effects of Bold are no joke for me.

Goal is to find "perfect" ratio and utilize that finding for the span of my growth phase(s).

Kcal for now ~ 2400. Little higher on training days/lower on off days.
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Weight today: 83,5kg,, still.

Body comp - sucking a lot of glycogen into the muscles. Loosing fat at a slow rate, but definitely happening. Maybe even gaining a gram her and there of lbm.

Dropped the kcal two days ago, now: around 2300/ day. I do alternate slightly, more carbs on training days.


350mg Sust/week,, daily inj.
Still eating dbols,, e2 was struggling to come up. This week of 10mg day, hoping I can discontinue from next week.


Slept bad/ just ate my breakfast and feeling bloated right now. But that's what it is at the moment.


Weight stayed same - dropped kcal slightly - 2300/day
Now 2 weeks on Sust 350/wk. +2iu GH/evening.
Dbol also since two weeks for e2,, 10-15mg ed

Pictures do not do me well yet, but I feel like everything is going as planned.

Equipoise is out atm.

My plan going forward looks like that ->>

I plan on 15 weeks total to get around 8.5%,, I'm at week 3 now.

week 6 - do bloods on Sust only, to get an Idea about my e2.
week 6/7 - add Equipoise 175mg/week
week 10 - add low dose Tren Ace at 70mg/week

Will use clen also for the last weeks.

Let's see...