trying to restore hpta


New Member
I've had a hard time to say the least...I know many of you have responded negatively to my post because I mentioned suicidal thoughts, but it's difficult to live with what I'm dealing with daily. I'm trying to see if I can stimulate my testicles to function again after a very stupid and dangerous run of test and tren for 3 yrs...
I've been under a well know Dr. here and he suggested I do 2000 ius of hcg e3d for 7 shots and get then test TT....when I came off the 3 yr run my test levels went down to 69....I stopped cold turkey and had the blood test done about 4 months after I stopped...I then waited to see, a urologist suggested I wait, if test levels would elevate on their own...they never did as I tested a couple more times and never got over 100ng. I then tried trt for a couple of months, but it sacked and quite frankly I don't think I'll get right on it and don't want to live on it. So, I started this hpta restoration attempt...keep in mind too, I'm 42 yrs old...but I'm trying to keep hope alive. I got tested on trt and my test levels were only I stopped for 2 weeks and started the hcg shots alone, nothing else...2000 ius for 7 shots over 21 days. TT was test was in middle range. I notified Dr because we were hoping TT would've been higher so we could then start Clomid and Tamoxifen....but now he has suggested to do another 30 days and test again....will this kill my this safe to do, or should I incorporate some tamoxifen while doing the next 30 days. I just don't want to desensitize my testicles further...haven't had any libido in almost a year...cardiovascular issues have made noticeable changes to my male organ...just ready for this nightmare to be over...
I've had a hard time to say the least...I know many of you have responded negatively to my post because I mentioned suicidal thoughts, but it's difficult to live

Folk with low T do NOT have suicidal thoughts as one of their complaints and to suggest otherwise ....... will be of no benefit to you!

Locate therapy for your psychological problems bc a LOW TT should be the least of your concerns.

The only reason those thoughts have occurred is because of the hideous changes this has brought on. I'm still hanging in there or trying to. If I could get my hormones right and test levels up my life would change for the better....I came here for help on Wed hat to do about my hormones...not sure why some are dead set to talk about psychological problems...the freaking hormones are causing it. It has caused no energy, no strength, concentration problems, complete impotence, cardiovascular problems, pre-diabetic issues, body aches, muscles, joints and bones...I am unemployed from all this...I can't be around people....anxious all the time. This is why the thoughts have entered my mind. I don't want to die, nobody does, but living like this is God awful. I just asked a question about the protocol that I'm doing and needed advice.
The only reason those thoughts have occurred is because of the hideous changes this has brought on. I'm still hanging in there or trying to. If I could get my hormones right and test levels up my life would change for the better....I came here for help on Wed hat to do about my hormones...not sure why some are dead set to talk about psychological problems...the freaking hormones are causing it. It has caused no energy, no strength, concentration problems, complete impotence, cardiovascular problems, pre-diabetic issues, body aches, muscles, joints and bones...I am unemployed from all this...I can't be around people....anxious all the time. This is why the thoughts have entered my mind. I don't want to die, nobody does, but living like this is God awful. I just asked a question about the protocol that I'm doing and needed advice.

I highly suggest you follow your dr and do the extra 30days.. What you think and what's actual fact are two different thing.. You dr probably knows more detail about your medical history then most of us here. So I doubt anyone can provide useful info. What do you have to lose? another 30 days and if it works-great you're back.. if not, then asked for Clomid/Nolva treatment (like you stated). You put yourself in this situation (come on bro 3 years on Tren with no PCT in place!!!). Stop with your self-diagnosed, thinking you know better, and start listen/follow your dr instruction!

btw.. the Dr. Jim is actually a doctor!