Turkey based, shipping worldwide (No min, reshipping guarantee)

I finally got enough money and courage to try ordering again! After reading threads for the past month I decided to go with Adnan. Seems to be an intelligent and decent guy plus I lived and was married in Turkey!

Opiox test enanthate, Iron Pharma NPP and Pfizer Aromasin. Donation sent and Pak was dispatched quickly. Great communication! Package made it to NY and has sat for 5 days. Fuckin NY man, just my luck they decided to be lazy this week.

Should I make the second half of the order or wait to see what happens? Gonna need that Test E in approximately 4 weeks cause I used my TRT a bit more than I was supposed to. Whoops!!! Anyway, thanks Adnan for your help. It's much appreciated.
I finally got enough money and courage to try ordering again! After reading threads for the past month I decided to go with Adnan. Seems to be an intelligent and decent guy plus I lived and was married in Turkey!

Opiox test enanthate, Iron Pharma NPP and Pfizer Aromasin. Donation sent and Pak was dispatched quickly. Great communication! Package made it to NY and has sat for 5 days. Fuckin NY man, just my luck they decided to be lazy this week.

Should I make the second half of the order or wait to see what happens? Gonna need that Test E in approximately 4 weeks cause I used my TRT a bit more than I was supposed to. Whoops!!! Anyway, thanks Adnan for your help. It's much appreciated.

Adnan has never done me wrong good guy. I would wait til first one gets through just to be safe if it’s a seizure and that address gets flagged then you have another pack already in process to go to same address
Good advice MBAM! My record for actually getting something is very poor to say the least! Will wait and see, can't wait to long is the problem. Thought I could go thru someone else that goes thru a different route to the states. I'm just praying that this gets to me fairly soon.
Google (USPS NY ISC ). Definitely not very much of a confidence builder! Guy who worked the job for 20 yrs has some insight into the workings of the place. Kinda wish I hadn't read about it!!! Lol
First package should come thru. I've had packages sit there for 2-4 weeks easily and as you check the tracking, it will just appear one day in your city. I can understand the hgh sitting though, that's a tough one. However, if its packed proper and considering the temps now, you may be alright. Adnan is a GREAT guy to re-send tho!!!
First package should come thru. I've had packages sit there for 2-4 weeks easily and as you check the tracking, it will just appear one day in your city. I can understand the hgh sitting though, that's a tough one. However, if its packed proper and considering the temps now, you may be alright. Adnan is a GREAT guy to re-send tho!!!
Yup man as I said before, I have seen bunch of packages that sat +30 days in same place then moved and delivered without a prob lol. Sometimes fucking customs is just like a waiting game.
Ya adnan I wouldnt use labmax or roid test when I first started reading here about a decade ago any testing was a good thing. I have used both in the past invested money in a whole kit got the flashlight and shit. All i can say about all that is those test are worthless. If your doing rec. Drugs and testing for active chemicals then sure it would benefit you. But I like to run bloods 30,60, and 90 days. Also, I will send off some samples if I am feeling froggy or I feel something is suspect. Thank you for your testing I appreciate it and I am sure many here do as we'll.
I have ordered from Turkey a hand full of times I have had packs take anywhere from 11 days to almost 3 fucking months. After a month I just give up on it and boom christmas in the ol mailbox. 2 months for GH due to the shelf life and temp. Susceptible reasons is too long. Looks like he is a solid source for shipping quickly after being notified. I will be checking this source out shortly.
Google (USPS NY ISC ). Definitely not very much of a confidence builder! Guy who worked the job for 20 yrs has some insight into the workings of the place. Kinda wish I hadn't read about it!!! Lol
I love ISC. Never had a package fail on me. In and out the same night. Suppliers need to make sure that when they send int packages that it will arrive in ISC at night when there is less employees. Never failed. Now Cincinnati hub is a problem and most packages sent via dhl go through there because one of there distribution centers in near by. I alway tell supplier to send to ISC to arrive by night and some how it always works especially to FL. Logistics is a skill/gift.
I love ISC. Never had a package fail on me. In and out the same night. Suppliers need to make sure that when they send int packages that it will arrive in ISC at night when there is less employees. Never failed. Now Cincinnati hub is a problem and most packages sent via dhl go through there because one of there distribution centers in near by. I alway tell supplier to send to ISC to arrive by night and some how it always works especially to FL. Logistics is a skill/gift.
ISC best one. CA is a bitch. My packages mostly hit ISC.
I dont really notice anything its too early; I just ordered a pack after my bro but instead opted for EMS shipping. So far no water retention or anything; I take like 2 IU 6x a week(.875 unit on insulin syringe); this my second week so I can't really give you guys an update on how it is. I did the scanning thing on the package and it seems to be legit the bar code checked out. Plus I dont get tired when I shoot it in the morning like I do when I pin 3iu of the mauve tops.

Now you are in the 4 or 5th week on huma right? what is going on ? Now what do you have notice and since which week do you have start notice anything. And do you take only 2iu or yet you takes more ?
Now you are in the 4 or 5th week on huma right? what is going on ? Now what do you have notice and since which week do you have start notice anything. And do you take only 2iu or yet you takes more ?

I dont know man, I mean no water retention or numbing of hands. Is that normal with pharma hgh, also only running like 2iu a day.
I dont know man, I mean no water retention or numbing of hands. Is that normal with pharma hgh, also only running like 2iu a day.
I would say yes that probably is normal on pharma at 2iu. I wouldn’t expect sides really from that. Just speculation tho based off of other things I’ve read.
Alright Adnan! Received gift yesterday making the T/A just 12 days. Being a four times loser from BOP, saying I'm happy is a gross understatement! Will be placing another order right after this.
Since I have never used an AI and plan on using Pfizer Aromasin 25mg what would be a good starting point. I'm using 300 mg each of Test E and NPP per week. The pills are so small that halving them would be impossible. Am thinking that 25mg every 3 days would be a safe bet?

