Type-II'x Podcast: Gear, Growth, and Gains - Episode I: DHEA for crashed E2, LR3 IGF-I FACTS, allopregnanolone and pregnenolone (P5) & Epistane!


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Topics Discussed:

I. DHEA, and its use for crashed E2
II. LR3 IGF-I, and untangling its vastly misunderstood facts
III. Using supplemental neurosteroids, Allopregnanolone and Pregnenolone (P5) appropriately and safely
IV. Epistane, and its use in peaking and contest prep

Thank for the podcast, I enjoyed listening.
Interesting. Just bought dhea for this reason . Aromasin is a whole nother beast from compared to other AIs never again w that shit
Interesting. Just bought dhea for this reason . Aromasin is a whole nother beast from compared to other AIs never again w that shit
Depends on your exemestane dose with respect to AAS compounds and doses. There's nothing inherently bad about it as an AI compound selection. On the contrary, actually! Anastrozole (Arimidex) is by far the worst, for suppressing IGF-I, bone catabolism, and hair loss. Old drug, 1st gen. AI. Exemestane is a modern AI.
Depends on your exemestane dose with respect to AAS compounds and doses. There's nothing inherently bad about it as an AI compound selection. On the contrary, actually! Anastrozole (Arimidex) is by far the worst, for suppressing IGF-I, bone catabolism, and hair loss. Old drug, 1st gen. AI. Exemestane is a modern AI.
You recommend Exemestane over Arimidex? How’s the dosing schedule? EOD @ 12.5?
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