Type-II'x Podcast: Gear, Growth, and Gains - Episode I: DHEA for crashed E2, LR3 IGF-I FACTS, allopregnanolone and pregnenolone (P5) & Epistane!

Couple of studies in this thread for your culture :

I also have used transdermal DHEA for a year with 6 different bloodworks to assess so ;)

Yes I say so, as well as at least 6 other forum members.
Would you be so obtuse as to refute anecdotal empirical evidence ?

If a study hasn't been conducted on a certain topic, you just put your head in the sand ? Hahahahahahaha
Transdermal DHEA? Pft, I aerosolize compounded tren base... fuckin' queeah
You seem high on tren, unprofessional, and unnecessarily sarcastic.

Yes, that was an Oxford comma I used, doubt you have any idea what it is ;)
This thread title uses the Oxford comma (properly) you dumb shit. "Gear, Growth, and Gains." Three separate concepts.

Allopregnanolone and pregnenolone, grouped concepts.

The Oxford comma is a stylistic choice. I get paid to write...

Go fist ya'self
Good to know bro! People are practically begging me to get on YouTube but they underestimate the opportunity cost. These are free, and they take me away from paid work. YouTube is (a) lowest common denominator viewers, (b) audiovisual presentation [may do audio only on YouTube Music] that takes a lot of work to record, arrange, upload, add citations and references, and (c) a terrible format for the educational content that I put out.

The way I see it is that if you can't subscribe on Podbean or Spotify, it's a "you" not "me" problem.
Good to know bro! People are practically begging me to get on YouTube but they underestimate the opportunity cost. These are free, and they take me away from paid work. YouTube is (a) lowest common denominator viewers, (b) audiovisual presentation [may do audio only on YouTube Music] that takes a lot of work to record, arrange, upload, add citations and references, and (c) a terrible format for the educational content that I put out.

The way I see it is that if you can't subscribe on Podbean or Spotify, it's a "you" not "me" problem.
I love you tube. Out of the three platforms in mind for you it’s the only one I pay premium for.

I know that’s not what you want to hear just my input. Large audience too
I love you tube. Out of the three platforms in mind for you it’s the only one I pay premium for.

I know that’s not what you want to hear just my input. Large audience too
I am going to look into it more. Here's what I found:

1. Podbean supports it

2. It seems to cost money, at least from the perspective of Google (who owns it) requiring that Business users use Gmail

3. I don't want to use Gmail, I use Proton for ampouletude.com

4. If I keep hearing people would listen to it without any additional work on my end, prepping and selecting video and shit, just audio only, I will syndicate to it from Podbean
I am going to look into it more. Here's what I found:

1. Podbean supports it

2. It seems to cost money, at least from the perspective of Google (who owns it) requiring that Business users use Gmail

3. I don't want to use Gmail, I use Proton for ampouletude.com

4. If I keep hearing people would listen to it without any additional work on my end, prepping and selecting video and shit, just audio only, I will syndicate to it from Podbean
Understood. It’s a wish not a requirement